4/3/2013 Scout Update Good Evening, We have postponed our hike until the weather warms up a bit. Please stay tuned for more information. Our next meeting is April 12 at 7:30 at Kitayama. We will begin with some community service, and then progress into out meeting. I will bring snacks in honor of Noah's birthday. As we draw the year to a close, please review your Scout's book to make sure that the home activities are signed off. The last meeting covered recycling, primary colors, and making something useful. We have also covered ways to stay healthy. Most of the activities are for home and community. I hope the kids and parents (who were off) had a great week! See you next Friday! Vicky
3/12/2013 Pinewood Derby/Blue and Gold Celebration Join us Saturday for the Pinewood Derby! Set up starts at 9:00 AM. We weigh in at 10:00 AM and race at 11:00 AM. We have a small crowd this year and extra cars, so adults, start your engines! We will have a hot dog lunch and decorate cupcakes to celebrate our birthday! Please RSVP if you are going to attend! We need a lunch count. Date: Saturday, March 16 Have a great day!
3/6/2013 Pack Meeting Friday, March 8! It's meeting time! We will be giving out the cars this Friday! Please join us at Kitayama at 7:00 for our pack meeting! We need snacks! Any volunteers? See you Friday! Vicky
2/21/2013 It's Derby Time! Our derby will take place on March 16th at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We will have the Blue and Gold celebration then, too. We hope you can make it! Contact me if you are unable to....cubmaster@cubpack268.org See you soon! Vicky
2/7/2013 It's Derby Time! Good afternoon to all my cubs and parents! It is time for the Pinewood Derby! We will have kits tomorrow (2/8) for drafting our designs. We have people ready to do the rough cuts for the derby. We will need to get the cards redistributed asap so the cubs can paint their cars and then we will need to meet for weigh ins. In addition, we will also have a small screen- screening of the movie "Down and Derby". Why small screen? Because it will be on my computer! We will begin our meeting at 7:00 with our opener and then a craft. We will the get "Down and Derby" with the car selection. Our derby will take place on March 16th at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We will have the Blue and Gold celebration then, too. We are looking to schedule a hike through Don Edwards in the spring. We hope you can make it! Contact me if you are unable to....cubmaster@cubpack268.org See you soon! Vicky
1/30/2013 Pack Meeting Friday, February 8 Good afternoon. I hope everyone is well. Flu season is in full swing, so be sure to eat well, get lots of sleep, and wash your hands. We are planning for our Pinewood Derby and Blue and Gold Celebration. We will be meeting NEXT week February 8 at 7:00 at Kitayama to begin cars and party planning. We also need to have a committee meeting, so stay tuned for day and time! Have a great day, Vicky
12/12/2012 Caroling Good afternoon. I have returned to town. We will be caroling this Friday, December 14, at Alma Villa in Union City, across from Logan. Please join us in the lobby at 6:00 PM. We have the carols ready to go (thanks Karen) and ornaments and treats to pass out. We look forward to sharing the holiday spirit! Also, if you are interested, the Golden State Warrior Scout Night is January 11. Please check out their web page for information on tickets. If you have questions, please let me know. Email me at uccubs268@gmail.com Vicky
11/28/2012 Important Dates Here is a list of upcoming dates! 1. November 30- 7:00 Committee Meeting at Mountain Mikes Pizza in Union City - all are welcome to attend, please send agenda items to me ASAP. 2. December 7 - Pack Meeting with Den Activities - 7:00 at Kitayama 3. December 14 - Christmas Caroling at Alma Via - info will be available at the meeting. We need a snack volunteer! Hope to see everyone there! We are working of establishing den meetings and events! Vicky
Parent Meeting Thursday, November 8 Good evening. We will be meeting Thursday (11/8) at 7:00 PM at Mountain Mikes. Please let me know if you are attending. If we have a large group, I want to give the restaurant a heads up. Also, please send me your agenda items. Whatever you would like to discuss. Here are some to start with: We need a council. Please add to this list. Also, we will have a time keeper, so please give an estimate on how much time you think the conversation will take. I want everyone to be heard and I want the meeting efficient. See you soon, Vicky
11/1/2012 Meeting Friday (11/2) Good evening! We will meet Friday, November 2, at Kitayama, at 7:00 PM. I am going to make cupcakes to decorate and we can show off our airplanes we built. In addition, I have some games to play. Tomorrow will be lots of fun, so bring a friend or two. We will have some Halloween crafts, too. See you there! Vicky
10/23/2012 Rechartering and Council Information Good evening. I have forwarded an email from Jo Hendee about rechartering (below). We have a pack meeting scheduled for 11/2/12. It is going to be a meeting and some sort of Halloween celebration, so wear your costumes! Any ideas for crafts and fun are welcome. In addition, we need to schedule a parent meeting to discuss several things including: -establishing a council to meet monthly This is a good opportunity to discuss where we are headed as a pack and what options we have. I have a target date of November 9 or November 16. Both are Fridays. I was thinking Mountain Mike's in Union City at 7:00. Please let me know what works best. On a personal note, due to job-related duties, I will not be able to remain the cub master beyond the end of this school year. My hope is to have the council established and leadership in place to have a smooth transition. Again, please let me know the best meeting times so we can keep moving in the right direction. Vicky Recharter Time! Hey everyone, it is recharter time which means annual "dues" are due for the year for Pack 268 members. November 2, 2012 there is a pack meeting. I will need everyone to pay by cash or check a total of $30 per cub scout for the 2013 calendar year. If you can not make that meeting I need you to get your payment to me before the 2nd so you are included on the recharter. The total is for the annual membership to BSA and also the subscription to Boy's Life magazine. If you have any questions please email me at johendee@gmail.com. Thank you. -- Jo
10/29/2012 Meeting I have an event that I forgot I had scheduled on Friday 11/9 at 6 pm. We can either meet in the early afternoon on Friday or on Thursday 11/8 in the evening. Just a reminder that Friday is a budget cut day for NHUSD and Monday is a holiday. If everyone is in town, we could even meet on Monday. We can meet at Mountain Mike's in Union Landing (other suggestions are welcome). I am going to put together an agenda and appoint a time keeper so that we can keep the meeting on track. If you have an agenda item, please let me know what it is and I will add it on. We may need up to two hours to discuss the details, and I want to keep on track. So here is the recap: Meet Thursday 11.8.12 in evening- 7 Send me agenda items so we can address all the issues and stay focused. And if I have not mentioned this yet, I am still waiting to be completely excused from jury duty. I am not needed at 8:30 on Monday, but I have to check back at 11. Last time I did that I ended up sitting in a courtroom for a week, waiting for the jury to be selected. So, if things go awry for the week, know that it is because I am doing my civic duty. Anyway, let me know what day/time works. Vicky
Saturday, October 27, 10:00 AM to Noon - FLYER Tiger Cub Pumpkin Patch Event on October 27th. This is the first of 3 Tiger Cub activities where Tiger Cubs will be able to earn segments for a really neat 3-segment Tiger Cub patch set. We will be holding the Mission Peak District Tiger Cub Pumpkin Patch event on Saturday, October 27th from 10 am to Noon at the Perry Farms Pumpkin Patch at the Ardenwood Historic Farm off Ardenwood Blvd. in Fremont (some people may think it's in Newark, but it's really in Fremont). This is an event for your whole family. For your Tiger Cub the cost will be $7.00 that will provide him with a very small pumpkin, a wagon ride, and a Tiger Cub Pumpkin Patch segment. Everything is available to your entire family at the going rate - larger pumpkins, optional wagon ride, but not the special Tiger Cub Pumpkin Patch patch!!!!!. If you have limited time between 10 am and noon that's ok, because you can probably complete everything within 30 minutes or so. Refer to the attached flyer for all the information about the event. Steve Armstrong
Meeting on Friday, 10/12/2012 Good evening! We are on for our Friday meeting. Mark is going to bring snacks. We are meeting at 7 at Kitayama. More info about this week's theme will follow. We have a new person who is interested in joining and are working on getting out our fliers. Hope to see everyone who can make it. Have a great rest of the week. Vicky
10/2/2012 Pack Meeting I hope everyone is having a great week and enjoying this beautiful weather. Summer has finally arrived. Just in time for fall. It is supposed to rain later this week, according to one weather app. We shall see. Here is what is going on: We will be having our next pack meeting this Friday (10/5) at 7 at Kitayama. I need a volunteer to bring snacks. Anyone? We have one more weekend of popcorn sales. Thanks to Marvin for all of your hard work with the sales. After numerous discussions about the scheduled Halloween party and the conflicts, we will be moving our party to the November pack meeting. One more chance to dress up! Is there a policy about costume restrictions? For example, when scouts meet at churches, out of respect they leave the weapons, etc. at home. I am fine with this, I am not sure it is policy. The school rules do prohibit weapons. I will be making schedule changes this week. I will let you know when the page is updated. We are also working on our recruiting, but if you have a friend, family member, or neighbor who would like to join, please bring them to the meeting! Have a great day. Vicky
9/20/2012 Popcorn Dates - Saturdays, September 29 & October 6 I wanted to share the popcorn information. We will be selling popcorn from 10-2 on Saturday September 29 and October 6 at the Safeway on Decoto Road. Marvin Bowerman would like to know which shift you would prefer- 10-12 or 12-2. We would like to be represented by three scout and parents. Marvin will also have popcorn to sell to family and friends. Please email him at marvin@cubpack268.org with your preferences. Thanks! Vicky 9/8/2012 Meeting On September 14 We will be meeting on Friday, September 14, at Kitayama, at 7:00 PM. I have fliers to get to the schools this week. I need to find out how they get distributed. Does anyone know who does it? Popcorn sales start soon. This is our main fundraiser and we have scheduled two dates to sell. The calendar has been updated with activities for the next several months. I think I forgot the pumpkin patch one and will add it. Please let me know if you plan to attend. I am concerned that our numbers have dwindled. If that is the case and we cannot gather enough volunteers be December, then we will need to make some tough decisions. I understand that Pack 268 has a 40 year history and I do not want to see it fold, but with less than 12 returning scouts we may need to join a larger group. Right now we have four dens and we are short den leaders. As of right now we have one meeting and one event scheduled per month through December. I may not be able to attend all of them. We are looking to add in hikes as we head into spring. Any suggestions about activities is welcome. We need to come together to build our troop! Please encourage friends to attend. See you Friday. Vicky
8/2/2012 -- A message from Troop 273 Troop 273 will be holding our annual BSA 101 campout on August 17-19 at Garin Park in Hayward. We invite Webelos 1 and Webelos 2 scouts to join us. During this trip, Webelos will get a first hand experience at what it is like to camp with a boy scout troop. They will get an overview of many of the basics of scouting, and at the same time fulfill requirements for Readyman and Outdoorsman activity pins. If you know of other pins that you would like your webelos to work on, let me know. I will have older scouts ready to teach the activities. If any of the Webelos in your dens are interested in attending, please have them contact me at Scoutmaster@Troop-273.org. I am happy to answer questions from any parents. Best Lee Amon
5/31/2012 Friday (6/1) - Garin Park Reminders for Friday Graduation: Time schedule: Jay Hendee PS: There is still room for any families that want to spend the night. You provide all the gear and cook on your own in the morning and then out by 11:30 am. If you have any questions call Jay Hendee.
4/24/2012 Pack Meeting at Searles This Friday (4/27) at 7:00pm Please plan on attending the pack meeting this Friday night (4/27) at Searles Elem. First of all, we will be honoring Allen Tarnowski and other adults for their service to our pack. Some of our Webelos will be receiving the Arrow of Light Award (the highest award you can earn in Cub Scouts). They will also be bridging up to Boy Scouts. So we can say our last good-byes! We will be giving out our membership cards and the pinewood derby certificates. We will have games to play and also a cake and refreshments. So come enjoy the evening. Jo Hendee
4/6/2012 April Pack Meeting/Arrow of Light/Bridging The April pack meeting Arrow of Light and bridging will be on Friday the 27th at 7:00pm at Searles. Thanks -- Allen T
3/8/2012 Den Meeings Friday, 3/9/2012 Regular Den meetings on Friday, March 9th at Kitayama at 7:00 PM. See you there. The following Friday we will be helping with Pinewood Derby cars, so plan to come if you need help and/or want to weigh you car. Jo Hendee
Blue & Gold is this Friday at Searles - remember 6:30 pm not 7:00 and bring a dish to share. If you have not replied by Evite, please do, it helps to figure out the number of people attending. To view the invite, go here: http://new.evite.com/services/links/VDMZEGFGCL Thanks, Jo
2/15/2012 Webelos II Den-1 -- meet with Allen Tarnowski at 7:00 at Searles Wolf Den-8 -- meets with Mark Devlin at 7:00 at Kitayama Tiger Den-4 -- meet with Jay Hendee at 7:00 at Kitayama (we are tentitive to visit Fire Station, have not heard back but plan to car pool to fire station at 7:15) Jo Hendee
2/9/2012 No Meetings on Friday, 2/10/2012 Since the schools are closed tomorrow, Friday, there are no den meetings scheduled at Searles or Kitayama. Remember, next the Blue and Gold coming up on Friday, Feb. 24th Jo Hendee
2/6/2012 Bear Den-2 Wednesday (2/8) Meeting Bear meeting Wed. at Emanuele at 7:00. Lets all be there. Last meeting their was only one Bear. No fun for the one boy. We will be carving with plastic knives and doing knife safety with real knives. Please reply if you plan to attend or not. I will call those who don't reply on Tuesday night after 7:00. Jay Hendee P.S. I still have two pinewood derby cars to give to boys.
2/5/2012 Come to Cub Scout Roundtable, Thursday February 9th, 7:00 PM at Walnut LDS This is something every parent should be attending - this is how to get involved in your son's cub scout pack. Every parent is a leader - even if you never signed up - you are a leader when you sign up your son. Please understand - there is a need for leaders to be replaced as of April. Everyone needs to make scouting a priority. If you have not gone online to myscouting.scouting.org then you need to do that asap and make a login name and password, then take the online training "This is scouting" and "Youth Protection". Thank you, Jo Hendee What: Cub Scout Round Table! The core value for March that we will be previewing at Roundtable in February is Compassion! Come and learn some great activities, games, crafts and ceremonies that focus on compassion. We will also have a special treat this month when we learn all about the New NEW Cub Scout Delivery Method, now with monthly themes! And we will have a special section on Cub Scout Camping. As always we will have discussions with other local Cub Scout leaders about tips, tricks and ideas to make your Den and Pack meetings and outings fun and full of character. Hope to see you there! Doug Hershberger
1/19/2012 Wolfs and Tigers Mark is still out of town but Jay will be completing the leather work at Friday's den meeting. The boys practiced last week and this week they will be making a bracelet out of leather and tooling it. Meeting regular time and place - Friday, Jan. 20th at Kitayama 7:00 Jo Hendee
1/19/2012 We will meet as a den Friday January 27 as normal. Thank you. Allen T.
1/8/2012 There is a possibility of going on the Hoot Owl hike which is the last Trail Trekker besides this next weekends Sycamore Grove hike! The Hoot Owl is conducted in the same park, Sycamore Grove. The opportunity is for January 29 at 5:00 pm at the Sycamore Grove park in Livermore. Will cancel if raining. 1051 Wetmore Rd. Spaces fill quickly. Children 8+ and accompanied by an adult. Cost $2.00 per person suggested donation. If you are interested in taking your Webelos II to this event please let me know by Monday morning 7:00am, so I can make a reservation for us! Thank You Allen T.
1/10/2012 Regular den meeting this Wednesday for Den-2 1. Pinewood Derby cars (return ones I cut and give cars to boys who missed Pack Meeting) 2. Finish working on our leather projects 3. Bring books ready to sign things off. 4. Turn in Warrior Basketball money if you plan to go Jay Hendee
1/10/2012 1. Pinewood derby cars (boys get back the ones I cut or get cars if they missed Pack meeting 2. Bring books ready to sign them off 3. Bring money if you plan to go to Warrior game 4. Activities will include leather craft and fun games Jay Hendee PS Mark will be out of town so Jay will run the meeting.
1/5/2012 This Fridays Pack Meeting Time: Friday, Jan. 6th at 7:00 1. Pinewood derby car design - if you received your car the night of caroling please bring it. If you have not received your car, they will be given out at the Pack meeting for the boys to design. 2. Slides - The boys will also be making slides for their scarfs that feature a pinewood car theme. 3. New committee positions: Allen Tarnowski, Cub Master, will be seeking committee members. 4. Planning for Blue and Gold: Jo Hendee will be meeting with those who want to plan for this potluck dinner. *** There will also be a parent meeting at some point during the pack meeting. Jo & Jay Hendee, and Allen Tarnowski
1/2/2012 Tuesday Jan 3rd Webelos Visit Troop 20 Webelos visit Union City Troop 20 at the Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church at 32975 Alvarado Niles Rd. Union City, at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday Jan 3rd. Scouts should have class "A" uniform and Book. Friday Jan 6 will be a mandatory parent meeting at Searles at 7:00 p.m.. That will take the place of our pack meeting this month! We need to get the Tiger, Wolf, Bear, & Webelos 1, parents to step up as leaders and be ready to go by April 13. After that the ones that like to just help out will have no one to ask what they can do! Allen Tarnowski Sleeping Tips as presented in My "Winter Awearness Presentation" in the den meetings last week! -- Allen Tarnowski
Anthony Chabot Winter Campout at Hawk Ridge Group Camp
THE CAMPOUT will take place Saturday December 17th at 10:00 am and be overnight ending at 12:00 noon Sunday. The camp ground is Anthony Chabot Regional Park located at 9999 Redwood Road (Marciel Gate) Castro Valley. The group site is Hawk Ridge. Google directions to park. I'll provide more details and gate combination later. ACTIVITY'S will Include a hike to the lake 12:00
noon Sat lasts 1 hour, Cooking, Disk Golf (belt loop), Scout
craft, Camp fire & skits. Cost of the trip will be $25
per family which will include camp ground rental, Sat dinner
& dessert, Sat snack, Sunday breakfast, fire wood,
propane. WHAT TO BRING: Bring a bag Lunch for 12:00 noon hike!, sleeping bag, tent, sleeping pad, tarp for tent, chair, flash light, warm clothes, rain gear, sturdy shoes, scout uniform (class 'A'&'B'), scout book. NOTE: You may bring a small 7'x8' or smaller tent
to set up around the fire ring or you may roll out your pad
and sleeping bag. Space around the fire ring may be limited
for tents depending on how many wish to come. OR you may
bring as large a tent I have attached some pictures of the camp ground and if the weather gets bad we have the enclosed fire pit to retreat to. FOOD: Dinner will be hot dogs (scouts roast their own)
with a bun. Fritos and chili with cheese, green salad and
dressing. Dessert will be dutch oven: hot peach cobbler and
lemon cake with orange glaze. Snack: cheese and crackers.
Breakfast: made by our Webelos I will be visiting the bear den on Nov, 30 and the Tigers, Wolves on Dec, 2 at their den meetings. My goal is to give tips on sleeping warm and comfortable in the out doors. The presentation will be 20 minutes long and start the time your den meets sharp! Please respond to this message if you plan on going, no later than December 8 please! Thank you. Allen Tarnowski
12/10/2011 Webelos Den-1 Visiting Troop 186 - Monday 12/12, 7:45 PM We have another scheduled troop visit for this Monday 12/12/11. We will be visiting troop 186. They will be meeting at 7:45 pm at Newark Presbyterian church at the corner of Cedar and Newark Blvd. The reason they are meeting late is there is a fundraiser they will be attending at the Sweet Tomatoes in Fremont, see the attached flyer. Feel free the attend the fundraiser also. Come with your troop questionnaire I handed out at last den meeting. See you there! Allen T.
12/6/2011 This Friday, December 9th, Pack Meeting at Searles, 7:00 PM Making Holiday cards for the Senior Living Center, Popcorn Prizes, Awards for hiking, Scouting For Food, Bobcat Badges. Boys will be making their own Root Beer floats. No den meetings this week. See you at the Pack Meeting Jo Hendee
11/8/2011 Please try to come. We have a new cub to welcome so try and make it. Jay Hendee 11/8/2011 Meet at Hendee's at 9:00 to pass out Food flyers. Jo Hendee
10/27/2011 All, there is a pack Halloween party at searles this friday night same time, scouts come in costumes and enjoy the night. Should last about an hour and a half. Allen T. 10/27/2011 Any take orders for popcorn are due by tomorrow, Friday. Please bring them to the Halloween party. Thank you. Jo Hendee
10/24/2011 I can not believe it is already the end of October!! This month flew by.....As far as deadlines - for popcorn - that means any unsold popcorn not returned by Thursday will be charged to our pack as considered sold and payment due. So over the next two days please contact me to turn in money and popcorn you have not sold. There is still time to sell - it is done with the sheet of paper and then it is filled after and delivered approx Nov. 18th. Please call me. And remember - you can still sell - just use the fill it up form... Thank you Jo Hendee
10/20/2011 Cub Scout participation in Make a Difference Day will be this Saturday, Oct. 22nd, at 9:00-12:00 at Union City City Hall. Time for Cubs to give back to the community. See you there. Jo Hendee 10/20/2011 There is a meeting this Friday night at Searles, with Jay Hendee, for scouts still needing to earn their Bobcat. He will also be working on Citizen Webelos Pin for the Webelos I. 7:00 pm. See you there. Jo Hendee
10/19/2011 Tomorrow night (Thursday - 10/20) I invite the group to drop in on Boy Scout Troop 269. We will be visiting many troops in the next few months from around the area. I understand some of us have a troop in mind already which is fine but boys are supposed to visit at least three troops. The troop we are visiting is in Niles at Niles elementry school located on 2nd st near E st. We will be meeting at 7:15 pm sharp! Boys need to be in uniform for this. I believe it should be over at 8:30 pm. Happy troop hunting! NO DEN MEETING THIS FRIDAY (10/21). Allen T.
Here is a Quick word about our July over night! How many of you would like to stay over night on this ship? Yes, the very ship that picked up the Apollo 11 mission crew right out of the pacific ocean! Now here is your chance to stay the night aboard the "GREY GHOST." You would be sleeping in the crew's original "Battle Ship
Bunks" and have dinner and breakfast served in the crews
mess hall just as they did. The evening is filled with tours
of the ship, or you can opt for the The trip will take place at a pier at the former Alameda Naval Air Station. We would meet on the pier at 5:00 pm, Saturday, July 30th, and be done Sunday, July 31st, 11:00 am.
All scouts and their parents are allowed to go, siblings who are not registered as scouts can't come. Friends who are not registered scout leaders can't come. Basically, Tiger Cubs, Webelos and their mom and dad can go! The cost is $60.00 per person paid in advance. Den leaders can collect names and money to turn in to me. The cut off is the June camp out. After that it will be mailed in and done! Please ask your scouts and explain the program to them. Stay Tuned Allen Tarnowski
5/18/2011 Saturday, May 28th - Flag Placement Hello, its time to Honor those who have fallen fighting for freedom, honor those who have served, and those who are serving to preserve freedom. The pack participates every year by placing small flags at the graves of the fallen service men and women the Saturday before Memorial day. Scouts and leaders wear the Class A uniform while participating. This is one of the few regularly scheduled pack service events. Most scouts need the volunteer time for some sort of advancement or extra award. Patches will be awarded for at ending at least one day of the event. Day 1 is the placement of flags, Saturday, May 28th. We will meet in the parking lot of the Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery, 32992 Mission Blvd. Hayward, CA 94544 (415) 471-3363, in the first big parking lot. We will assemble at 7:45 am. At 8:00 we will walk to another location where the staff will provide us with donuts and bagels, milk and juice. After breakfast we will have a brief discussion on proper flag etiquette and instructions on placement of flags. If we have a good turnout we should be done by noon. The chapel is also providing us with a preview BBQ lunch or sandwich platters (they weren't sure when we spoke). After that we can go home. Stay tuned for day #2 instructions (Monday, May 30th) Memorial Day Flag Ceremony. Allen Tarnowski
4/6/2011 Webelos Den Meeting This Friday At Zackary's House This Friday (4/8/2011) we will be meeting at Zackary's house to build tool boxes as part of the Craftsman requirements. Zackary's grandfather Bill Devitt will be heading up this project and has asked for each scout to bring their own hammer as we don't have enough to go around. Before beginning the scouts will go over how to safely handle the tools they will be using for this project, and be reminded to not run and shout and no horseplay and to respect others property! Be sure to thank Bill & Zackary when you see them, this kind of project takes at least a whole day to purchase and pattern out and cut all the lumber and prepare. [See Members area for Zachary's address.] Thanks Allen T.
Just a reminder this is the last call for those who would enjoy camping at Hawk Ridge camp. It should not be raining but if it does, tents should be fine to stay dry. If not you are welcome to place your sleeping bag by the indoor fire pit to sleep, you would need your pad or a small air mattress to keep your sleeping bag off the concrete to help stay warm.
Please let me or your den leader know if you are interested in going if not already done so! So far we have 4 Webelos and one Wolf scout going so there will be plenty of room in this large site. Thanks. Allen T. 2/18/2011 March 5th Pack Campout at Hawk Ridge Mark your calenders for our March 5th camp out at the Hawk Ridge camp site this year! Yes we finally reserved a date at this very difficult to obtain camp site! For those who are new to scouting this site is located in the Anthony Chabot Camp grounds over looking Lake Chabot in Castro valley CA. It is a short 45 minute drive from Union City. The site has a sheltered fire pit and very tall trees with a football field size grass area for our use. We reserved the site for 30 people which means we will receive 6 parking passes which are included in the price. The goal is to carpool to the camp ground, for those who would prefer to have their own vehicle can purchase an extra parking permit from us for $6.00. This camping opportunity is open for all scout ranks Tiger through Webelo's 2. Do to the weather this time of year I would recommend just one parent and their scout to attend the event, but the family is welcome siblings included. Keep in mind the weather may be rainy and cold making it not fun for younger siblings and parents not familiar with the outdoors! The cost will be $ 20.00 per person (family) for the first two then $ 10.00 for extra family members. This will cover reservations, food and consumable supplies. Also extra parking passes beyond the first six used will be an extra $6.00 per vehicle. Each family will need to provide their own tenting and sleeping gear and chair. Rain gear and an extra tarp to line the inside of the tent would be a good idea for inclement weather. If you plan on making your own meals you need to bring your own stove and pots. ( see Allen T. if you plan on making your own meals). The idea would be to arrive at 11:00 am Saturday to set up then go on a 3 mile hike come back have a hot lunch work on advancement/free time/game.Webelos cook dinner then campfire and skits and a snack or dutch oven treats then lights out at 9:00pm reveille is at seven scouts cook breakfast break camp by 11:00am. Let your den leader know you are going and how many by February the 25th please! Allen T.
Angel Island Campout There will be meeting at Jo & Jay's house on Wednesday Feb 2nd at 7:00 pm concerning the trip. All those who have confirmed with me they are going need to attend this meeting please. A parent needs to bring the scout who will be going on
the trip to this meeting! The scout needs to also bring his
sleeping bag and pad he intends to use ON the trip to
this meeting. We will be collecting the $40.00 for each person at this meeting! Make checks out to (Pack 268). We will be able to answer all questions and have the menu for the trip available. We will be going over safety rules and expected behavior at this meeting as some of the scouts will be without their parents just as the boy scouts do. Again the scouts will need a 40 degree bag and pad, rain gear, warm clothes. extra change of clothes and a water bottle class "a" and "b" scout shirts and a back pack or a day pack to put the clothes in and strap the sleeping bag to. Scouts will be basically carrying their own sleeping bag and clothes one mile to the camp or be able to at least. Adults and sea scouts will help with the food and other gear. We will be hiking and exploring the buildings and history of the island on the trip. We will be back in San Leandro by 2:00pm in time to enjoy the game. The enclosed pics. are the view through the trees of our camp to Tiberon, the camp has a trail leading down to a small beach. The boat dock where we will arrive at on the island. Stay tuned... Allen T. 10/12/2010
ANY ONE INTERESTED - In an over night trip to San Francisco to stay aboard the USS JEREMIAH O'BRIEN a restored liberty ship from WW ll. Explore the engine room and cargo bays and countless other spaces. Enjoy the displays and learn about the role of liberty ships. Cost is $38.50 per person,minimum age is first grade, siblings and family members welcome, cost includes dinner breakfast patch certificate and of course the over night stay in original crew bunks! The trip would commence on Saturday and end Sunday morning.(more room than the Pampanito and regular bath rooms). POPCORN - Just wanted to mention show and sell dates are almost over and the turnout for them has been low. Not to mention very few family's have been collecting popcorn from Jo & Jay for their personal sales. I know it is often inconvenient or difficult to volunteer time and energy. Last year we did better than this year. The difference is when we sell popcorn we are earning money for the pack which is needed for operating expenses. Thanks Allen T.
9/23/2010 Pack Parents Welcome back. Hope every one had a great summer! Just wanted to take a minute and mention with recruiting going on we have been scrambling to organize our popcorn "show and sell" dates and locations. The pack Calendar is also not complete. There are events and Trail Trekker hikes to be added yet. The pack meeting dates and leader training are set. Once den meeting times and dates are determined we will post this as well. [see Calendar] We have a new parent orientation set for October 8th at 7:00pm in the Searles cafeteria. All parents (new and old) need to be at this meeting. We will be able to determine how many dens will be formed. We will go over all the details of the pack. This will be a good time for all the dens to get together and decide on meeting times and locations. Due to all of leadership being available for this meeting we will not have a program for the kids. There will be a short training segment covering youth protection not appropriate for the kids. The meeting should be no longer than two hours. If you have not turned in an application and paid charter fees you may do so at this meeting. Allen T. Cubmaster
9/22/2010 Cub Scouts is postponed until October 6th for the Tigers, Wolves and Bears Due to my husband Jay's playoff game on Wednesday and a trip out of town for us on Friday, the back to school night on the 29th for the elementary schools. We have a couple of options. We will meet on Wednesday, October 6th at Emmanuelle School. The address is 100 Decoto Road. Park in the parking lot closest to Mission. Jay and I will be available this Tuesday, September 28th at 7:00pm if you would like to come by and turn in your application, pick up your book and patches or to pick up popcorn. If you want to contact me, please see my contact information in our Members area. Jo Hendee
9/30/2010 Popcorn Show and Sell Here are some show and sell dates. I will be out of town this weekend returning on Monday. We need adult volunteers to run the show and sell sites. It is easy just keep track of what the scouts sell in a given time period pick up product from Jo's house, set up the table at the door, keep track of what scouts show up and how long. Call Jo for a time to stop by and she can help you get organized. The location is Walmart Union City. The dates are 10/1, 10/2, 10/3. The times are whenever. We need a volunteer to step up and announce the times they will set up to sell to the pack then allow a max of 15 people at one time. Here is your chance for all who have been asking thanks for your help. A scout needs to sell about $600 dollars worth of popcorn to pay the pack fees. When scouts put there minds to it, one can easily sell $50-100 dollars worth an hour or better if there are two tables, one at each door and be polite! Next week I will organize and call or e-mail people for volunteers to run tables and for scouts to man the tables. Just received the info so bare with us and thank you for your dedication and hard work. It's for the boys. Allen Tarnowski Cubmaster 268
9/25/2010 Sunday Afternoon Popcorn Sales I was told we can sell popcorn at Walmart this weekend. So I am looking for some scouts and parents to sell popcorn with us. We will set up at 2:00pm at U.C. Walmart on Sunday. I will pick up the popcorn and cash box. I will need to barrow a card table. Scouts need to be dressed in their class "A" uniform and parents need to bring a chair. Please send me an e-mail to let me now that you will be coming. We are limited to 15 people at one time. Thank you. Allen T.
9/4/2010 Cub Scout Pack 268 - Upcoming Events On behalf of Pack 268 - I want to welcome you back to another year in Scouting. We appreciate the commitment you have made and welcome the contributions you make to create an amazing Scouting experience for your family! Here are some events coming up in the next few weeks. In some cases we are looking for volunteers to assist the Pack - email me directly if you can help where needed. Friday, 9/10 - 7 pm @ Searles Elementary, Webelos Den Meeting. Welcome back Webelos - you'll be Boy Scouts before you know it! Saturday, 9/11 - 9 am to 1:30 pm @ Lake Elizabeth, Dragon Boat Races and Cub Scout Games. Although this is not a formally organized Pack 268 event (drop in at your leisure) it is a great local event to promote Scouting. Recruitment Week is the next week so this would be a great "bring a friend" event to get that new recruit really excited about Scouts and then bring him along to the Recruitment Pack Meeting on 9/17. 9 a.m. - Scout Day Opening Ceremonies at the
Boathouse For more information go to: http://www.sfbac.org/missionpeak Or check out the Dragon Boat Flyer PDF. 9/13-9/17 @ 7 p.m. Recruitment Week Events. We have dropped off flyers advertising these events at the local schools and we are hoping for a good turnout. If your scout has friends he would like personally invite, you can request additional flyers, and I will be happy to get them to you. Monday, 9/13 - Recruitment event @ Kitayama
Elementary Volunteers needed: 1 Scout family per school night. We would love for you and your Scout to share their stories with prospective families. If you can commit to attending 1 event, please let me know. Your dedication is much appreciated :-) Friday, 9/17 - 7 pm @ Searles Elementary. First Pack Meeting of the Year / Recruitment Event. This is the kickoff event of our 2010-11 Cub Scout year, and we are looking forward to seeing everyone after a long, relaxing summer! This is also the Webelos regular Den meeting night so we expect all of the Webelos in attendance and looking SHARP! Class A uniforms are required for all Scouts - and don't forget to bring a friend to share in the Scouting fun! Volunteers needed for refreshments (after this we will go back to assigning Dens): 4 boxes of Capri-Sun or similar (2 volunteers @ 2 boxes
each) Saturday, 9/18 @ 8:45 a.m. Newark Days Parade. Meet at the parking lot near Big O Tires by 8:45 a.m. - 35255 Newark Blvd. (between Cedar Blvd. & Jarvis Ave). From there we will shuttle parade walkers to the starting point of the parade. Uniform: Class A. Information on the parade route and Newark Days festivities can be found at http://www.newarkdays.org/index.php. Volunteers needed: 3 adults to walk the parade route with the Scouts. Let me know if you can help! Thank you again - we are looking forward to another great year in Scouting! BTW - check out our Facebook page: "Cub Scout Pack 268 of Union City, CA" Melanie Taplin
4/20/2010 USS Pampanito Overnight Trip! Great news, we have an opportunity to stay on the USS Pampanito this year. The pack reserved August 28 to stay overnight. The cost is $37.00 per person with a max of 48 people that can go. The submarine is docked in San Francisco and we would meet at 7:00 pm on Pier 45. This trip also counts towards the summertime pack award for scouts who attends an event with the pack in June, July and August. The program only allows, yes!! you guessed it, 10 cars parking privileges. So we would once again carpool. There is some overnight parking in the area that is expensive for those who want the freedom of there own schedule. I will do my best to organize the carpooling like we did for the Two Rocks Camping Trip.
So, those who want to go send me an e-mail and send Jo your cash and you're in! The sooner the better, space is limited, first come first served. Stay tuned for more details to come! Thanks, Allen T. 8/24/2010 Hello Pampanito Crew! I hope everyone is as excited as I am about spending the night aboard a retired WW2 submarine. We will have lots of fun exploring and learning about how a submarine works. We will eat and sleep and live as submariners did in a fun spirited military manner. I ask that we all arrive at the building in which I provided maps for, at 6:30 p.m. sharp. After you park bring your gear around to the pier near the gangway to the sub with out blocking any walk ways and begin lining up your bags and wait there. There will be a pier side tour for the group. After a fire safety drill aboard the sub we will retrieve our gear from the pier and get our bunks made. The program required me to assign bunks, so please wait for me to show you where you will be sleeping. Scouts will be sleeping with dads in the crews berthing according to den's. Mom's will be bunked on the other side of the conning tower in state rooms. Younger scouts who came with mom will have an opportunity to stay with the den or stay in the state room with mom. Cubmaster's Rules: Reminder, sleeping arrangements and night watch were carefully put together to comply with youth protection guidelines outlined in the guide to safe scouting for which I am responsible for. Any changes must be approved by me please. I am announcing this to you because we have a lot of parents who have not yet received youth protection training. 1) Rest room facilities, there are two toilets aboard the sub in one room. Only one gender to use these at one time please. Moms with their scout only is OK. I suggest moms buddy up to use the facility's by having one stand out side guarding the door while the other uses the room. There is also a first class rest room on the pier available for use 24/7 that you may use. 2) Two deep leader ship: This means no "one" adult may lead scouts (other than their own) any where out of sight of others. Example, two adults one with youth protection training may take a group of scouts out of the sub to the bathroom on the pier and remain outside while the scouts use the rest room accordingly. 3) Changing: I Suggest that you sleep in your pants and a tea shirt, worn under the official uniform. If you need to change into sleeping clothes do so in the bath room stall please because moms are allowed to check on their scouts at any time and will be walking through the crews berth to use the rest rooms. Same goes for moms scouts and adults will walk by the state rooms to the ward room and torpedo room. 4) Parents will be responsible for their scouts while on board, if your scout is moving about you should be with them or supervising them for their safety. Every one is instructed to have eaten dinner before you arrive as there will not be an opportunity to do so on board. I am asking everyone to pitch in $3 dollars a piece to help offset the cost of pizza for a quick late night snack. The pack will provide a muffin and bottled water for breakfast. The Pampanito will provide hot water with instant coffee, tea and cocoa while aboard the Pampanito to be consumed only in the mess hall. Things to bring: Everyone needs to bring their own sleeping bag, pillow, flash light, jacket, and toiletries, class "A" uniform, wear pants and closed toe shoes, $3 dollars ea. (for pizza), and other spending money if you plan to remain in the city. Tooth brushing, I caution you there is one sink and only 30 minutes to pack, eat, perform your cleaning duty and get off the boat with 30 others at the same time in the morning! There will be plenty of time for this before bed but not in the morning unless you get up earlier than the group. You may line up on the pier in the morning after getting off to use the sink there. Our group needs to be completely loaded off the sub by 8:00am. Cars need to be moved out by 8:30. There will be a bit of free time after the late night snack to play board games. You are welcome to bring one of your own, the Pampanito has checkers, chess and backgammon. There will also be a TV set up with submarine documentaries and block busters in the forward torpedo room or ward room. There will be tours of the sub and conning tower, and opportunities to view Alcatraz and Fisherman's Wharf through the target baring periscope. Lights out will be at midnight, there will be one hour watch shifts every hour to 7:00 am as well as cleaning and other duties. Each adult will be assigned duties during our stay. These duties may include your scout helping you (your choice for night watch). Night watch needs to be quiet as courtesy to others. I will have the list of duties available with bunk augments on the Pampanito. Thank you Allen T. 7/7/2010 PAMPANITO TRIP 8/28/10 One more reminder, I will need to know who else wants to go on the Pampanito by this Friday (7/9/10). The cost is $37.00 per person, adults and scouts only, no siblings. Sorry, their rules. Here is the list of participants so far. I need a minimum total of 25 persons. If you want to go and don't see your name here, please let me know. Armon +2 Allen Tarnowski
7/7/10 2010 CUB CRUISE A reminder that Saturday July 17, 2010 at 7:45 at the port of Redwood City we will have the cub cruise. The cost is $20.00 and this includes the boat ride and a participation patch. A description and pictures can be found on the pack website titled Cape Jellision 2008 and USS Gryphon 2009. This is a family event siblings and Friends are welcome. You will need to reply to me no later than this Friday (7/9/10). This will qualify your scout for the summer time pack/individual award. Each scout who participates in a scout sanctioned activity for each summer month (June, July and August) will receive the award. So far just Stanley and I will be enjoying the cruise. If I receive any responses I will post the directions. Thank you.
3/28/2010 It's time to register for Cub Day Camp! Register before **April 2nd** to receive the best discount! It's hard to believe that it's almost April already. We, the volunteers of the SF Bay Area Council Camping Committee, along with the dedicated staff of the Council's Camping Department, have been busy getting prepared for another awesome week of fun at Birch Grove Park! This summer's day camp is set for the week of July 12th - 17th. Registration officially closes two weeks prior to camp, but why not reap the benefits of early registration? With early registration, you not only ensure your Scout's placement in camp, but by taking advantage of the discount offered, you lessen the impact on your wallet! This is even more beneficial to our families paying for two or more Scouts. So here's what you need to know...
To register online visit www.sfbac.org/camping/cubscout/webelos and select the link to register for Mission Peak District Day Camp. Interested in a campership? The link above also provides access to all campership information as well as the application form. It's so easy! Why put it off? Please be sure to let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with registration. I can be reached at the email address listed below. Or you may wish to contact the Council's Camping Department directly. They can be reached Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 4 PM at (510) 577-9218, or in person at 1001 Davis Street, San Leandro, CA. Looking forward to seeing all of you at camp... Yours in Scouting, Jeana Lessa
6/23/2010 Arroyo Flats Camp 6/26-27 Please refer to the E-Vite for the basic information including the address. Once in the gate head to the dirt parking lot on the left. From there walk down the road at the gate about two hundred yards to the camp. Once we know you are here we will coordinate letting you drive in to un load camping gear. When you arrive there may or may not be a ranger at the kiosk. If there is, tell them you are camping with Pack 268 and they may direct you. Also, the gate needs to be locked behind you each time one of us goes through the gate. If we fail to do this the ranger will replace the lock with one we have no access to and will be forced to walk every thing down the road! After our 10:00 am hike each family is responsible to bring their own bag lunch to enjoy at 1:00 pm. After that the pack will provide the meals. Once again, this is a family camp so parents are responsible for their children during the trip. Thank you and see you there! Allen T.
6/3/2010 Pack Garage Sale Just a reminder the pack will have a garage sale at Jo and Jay Hendee's house this Saturday, June 5th! This is one of the few ways the pack receives revenue to cover our operating costs such as the rank and activity patches to name a few. How: Pack friends and families gather items from home that they don't mind donating to the cause, and bring them to Jo and Jay's house on Friday (see Members area for Hendee address). Then Saturday morning we bring our scouts in their class "C" uniform over to help sell the goods for the benefit of the pack. Scouts who participate can earn credit towards arrow points or the den award for a den service project. For more details please don't hesitate to contact the Hendees. Thank you. Allen Tarnowski
5/22/2010 Memorial Day/Sat May 29 This year will be our second year placing flags for the Chapel of The Chimes. Last year worked out great despite the communication issues associated with coordinating for the first time. This year we have new management we will be working with at the Memorial Park but the scouts all know what to do and where we need to be! So moms and dads just ask the scouts if you have any questions! There will be two opportunities or two days for the scouts to serve. This service project will earn the scouts a patch and may count for credit for something else so check with your den leader. The scouts can expect to have muffins, doughnuts or the like on Saturday morning and hot dogs will be served Monday just after the program before they remove flags. Day-1) Saturday 29th we will meet in the parking lot at the Chapel of the Chimes, Hayward (32992 Mission Blvd. Hayward CA 94544, phone # 510-471-3363) at 7:45 am and meet with staff and have snacks at 8:00 am. Then we will break out in teams and place flags at the graves of men and women who have served and sacrificed for their country. How long it takes depends on how many show up to help. I am hoping to be finished by 12:00 noon. Day-2) Monday 31st we can show up at 1:30 pm to enjoy the festivities then begin removing flags at 3:00 pm. The boy scouts will direct us where to park. This should be finished in a few hours with the help of the boy scouts. Please see attached flyer. This is a great opportunity for the cub scouts, it makes them feel important and they are well suited for this. This is one of the most important service projects they can help with in their scouting careers. Please try to make some time for this for them. Thank you. Allen T.
4/2/2010 NorCal Jamboree, Adult Leader Award Nomination cut-off is April 8th, Space Derby Track?, Roundtable on April 8th 100th Anniversary NorCal Jamboree The latest NorCal Jamboree communication is attached (HERE). Whomever registered your campers for the Jamboree received this. Remind them to pass this current issue along to everyone. The deadline for purchasing Day Passes online and at the $15.00 level is April 9th at 6 pm. Refer to the Registration tab on the Jamboree website to purchase Day Passes. Adult Leader Award Nominations are due by April 8th. We typically don't get many nominations from Packs for the many special adults who make everything go in the Pack. Please nominate someone, and if you don't know everything about a person as requested in the form, leave that part blank it blank and submit it anyway. The most important part of the form is telling us what is so special about the person, and if they have been making that special contribution over some period of time (months, years, etc.) I've attached the fillable nomination form for you to use that you can email to Merl Nygren per the instructions on the first page of the form (HERE). In addition, please plan on bringing a group from your Pack to the District Dinner on May 8th. s/Steve Armstrong and the Commissioner Team Two Rocks Camping Trip It has been brought to my attention that uniforms have not been discussed. So I'm thinking we should bring both class "A" & "B" we will use class a for the opening flag on Saturday and if you wish you can change into the class "B" for the hike and camp set up.Or you may wear the class "A" all day, your choice. Also for those of you who don't know were the lake is and like to use navigation the address is 9999 Redwood Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546 #510-639-4751, Two Rocks Group Camp at Anthony Chabot Regional Park. Thank you. Allen T.
3/24/10 Two Rocks Camp Out The time is here! There are directions to Two Rocks on the pack website (here). I have handed out the parking passes and gate combos to all my den parents and jay has done the same. The weather forecast looks great for the weekend, so lets start packing! We will all meet at the Two Rocks camp ground at 12:00 noon. Please eat your lunch before you arrive so your scout may begin setting up camp in time for our hike which will be at 2 or 3:00 p.m.. The hike may take just under 2 hours to complete,which puts us back in camp by 5:00 p.m.. At that time we will set up for dinner. Lights out will be 9:30 p.m. and reveille is at 7:00 a.m.. We have a rough idea for the menu which is the hike snack will be cheese and crackers, dinner is roasted hot dogs green salad mack-n-cheese, desert will be dutch oven "Almost pumpkin pie" and "Monkey bread" (like cinnamon bread) and cracker barrel will be almost smores which is chocolate chip cookies with roasted marsh mellows. The details are, we need to collect $15.00 from each person to pay for the camp out which is due at the camp out please. Here are the tips Bedding Down without the "ow" Get a good night's sleep outdoors by staying dry,
comfortable, and on the level. Camping represents the cornerstone of Scouting: Kids love sleeping on the ground in a tent or under the stars. But for some adults, "sleeping out" doesn't offer much in the way of an enjoyment. They have to pitch the tent, manage the bedrolls, and arrange the gear. Inevitably, the ground slopes or offers a bunch of lumps. Often, they find that one side of the tent is more comfortable than the other. And then there's the argument about who sleeps where. Worse, heavy rain can cause a middle-of-the-night washout. You're thinking a city-soft body needs at least two nights to adjust to the wild outdoors. Right? Don't believe it. The key to comfort is how you pitch your tent and prepare your bed. Teens are tough, so your boys will adjust quickly. That means that except on bitter-cold nights, your boys will be comfortable enough without an air mattress or foam pad. But if they do feel cold coming up from the ground, have them place their spare clothes "shoulder-to-thighs" under their sleeping bags. Tip: If you or your boys want some type of pad, carpet can be an inexpensive substitute. A SLOPING SITE Tip: A down vest stuffed into a cotton pillow sack makes a luxurious pillow. PROTECT AGAINST FLOWING GROUNDWATER Tip: Old ideas die hard. You might think it's crazy to put the ground cloth inside your tent, but try it and you'll never get wet. COVER YOUR SLEEPING PAD Tip: Place your spare clothes along the sides of your mattress so that your arms won't chill if they fall off the pad.
That is all for now. Thanks Allen T.
3/9/10 Two Rocks Camp Out Information Just wanted to make everyone aware, the two rocks site has ten parking spaces and the park district does not allow overnight over flow parking on site they do provide limited day use parking. In the past we have parked vehicles in town (Castro valley) and shuttled people back and forth. Another option is one would reserve a campsite on the family campground side and walk to get your car if you did not want to bother dealing with it you would be allowed two cars. The best method is car poling, as people sign up we will try to coordinate this. The ten parking passes are all that is allowed for Two Rocks which is fifty persons maximum, and that is one pass for every five persons, we paid for the max ten passes. I have also included two map pages one for directions and one is a detail map of the camp area. The park gates are locked at 10:00 pm and after that vehicles will only be able to exit the camp grounds. The park phone is (510) 639-4751 for directions and information. Cell phone service is very limited at camp, so if you need to contact a leader which is in camp you may not be able to reach them. When entering the road to the group camp there will be a locked gate with six locks on it, each group site has its own color coded combination lock in the daisy chain. When I receive the packet from east bay parks I will know what color lock and its combination. I will then provide this to each driver going on the camp out a few days before the trip. As the drivers arrive we will unlock and enter then re lock the gate immediately behind you don't leave it open for some one you don't know to re lock it for you. If the rangers find our lock UN locked for some reason they will replace it with a key lock which means we will need to find a ranger and beg for our lock back. The reservations staff wanted me to convey this to every one. Here is the plan for rainy weather. We will not receive a refund for canceling within seven days so if rain is possible or it rains to the point that the tents remain dry inside and it is light myself I will try to "Dog House It" in my tent till it clears up just because I enjoy it. But if it gets miserable we pack it up! Each family will be their own judge. There will also be easy ups to hide under. Two Rocks is a primitive camp ground this means no shower or sinks with hot ruining water. Just chemical toilets in the gravel parking lot. But.....you could use your vehicle to drive a half mile to the first shower house inside the family camp ground end of the park. That is it for now. In my next novel "Beading Down Without The OW" I will share my boy scout tricks for sleeping warm and the combination lock number for the gate! Thanks Allen T.
3/6/10 Two Rocks Spring Camp Out Our Two Rocks campout is growing near and I am asking for the names of who will be attending! But first, the pack leadership has decided to open the event to include all scouts of the pack. Leadership would like to keep the event small and is asking that one parent per scout attend and no siblings. We hope this style of outing brings the spirit of scouting. We think the cost will be about $15.00 per person. This includes meals and cost of the group camp site. Families will be responsible for their own tent, folding chairs, sleeping bags and personal camping gear. I will provide a packing list of personal camping gear for those who want one. Any questions can be directed to me or Jay Hendee. The pack will have fire wood, food, and cooking gear for the group. Scouts can expect to cook their own meals with help from their parent as a group. Some cooking techniques will include cooking over an open fire, foil pack and dutch oven treats. There will be a 3 to 5 mile hike which is fairly easy with a few short steep inclines, half dirt trail and paved road back to camp. Scouts will also be expected to clean up and help with other duties. Webelos will be pitching a tent by them selves with only guidance from the adults. We need to let them gain confidence in them selves since mom or dad will not be there for them in boy scouts. Most boy scouts can do this in snow camp for three days with their buddies and be just fine! There may be fire building instruction for the older scouts. Please e-mail me with your scout's name by the blue and gold if you wish to participate. I have a partial list I will send out for confirmation in a later e-mail. Jay H., myself, Gary S., Nire will be the leaders on this outing. I am looking for a volunteer to read a scary story at the fire ring/cracker barrel, I have the stories. There is more information on the pack website that was posted last November (see below). Stay tuned. Allen T. Leader
11/29/09 Bear & Webelos Campout - March 2010 Mark your calenders for our Webelos 2 Spring camp out at Lake Chabot in Castro Valley. This year the Bear Den-1 will have an opportunity to camp with the Webelos. The date will be Saturday & Sunday, March 27th & 28th, at the Two Rocks site. There will be a hike and the scouts will cook their own meals and be responsible for pitching their tent and sleeping in it over night. Planing and shopping will be organized by the leadership. As the details are planed we will keep you posted. If at all possible I would like to limit each scout to his parent to keep it manageable. The activities will be limited to scouts only this time. They will be working on fire starting skills and out door cooking methods and safety in hiking. Each scout/parent team will need to bring their own folding chair, tent, sleeping bags, sleeping pad with any extra blankets, and pillow and toiletries. A class "A" and "B" uniform, cubscout book, and water bottle and snack food for the hike. A day pack to hold your water and snack and layers of cloths might also be a good idea for the hike. That time of the year the weather will be cool and may possibly rain. If it does not storm I think we will be OK. We can string a large tarp for shelter by the fire and be comfortable. A rain coat for drizzle or a poncho will be smart to bring. Also an air mattress is great to have to sleep on. If it storms while we are in our tents you will be elevated off the ground and as long as no part of your bag touches the ground and your clothes bag is on your chair in your tent or car it won't get wet if the bottom of the tent becomes wet. Webelos who have not slept in a tent they have not built by themselves need to attend this campout (and I know of at least one). Webelos who have not hiked five miles in one hike need to attend this campout. All others this is optional, but greatly encouraged. In a campout like this there are valuable skills to learn and the spirit of scouting is its strongest. Personally this is my single most favorite activity to be a part of. If you have made arrangements in the past for borrowing equipment form either Gary S, Jay H, or myself, please feel free to make arrangements. Or you may purchase your own equipment if you will be needing it for the boy scout troop soon. If there are any dietary concerns please shoot me an e-mail ASAP (tarnowskiallen@yahoo.com). We will keep you posted! Allen Tarnowski
1/24/10 Mud Ball Express, Sunday, January 31, 2010 We have 25 spots (5 adults 20 cub scouts for the mud ball express this year. The event is Sunday, 31st of January, at 9:00 am. Meet at the Sunol Depot 6 Kilkare Rd, Sunol, CA 94586. Train runs rain or shine. This event will be a first come first served event due to limited seating to be fair. If you choose to go you must RSVP me and receive confirmation from me by no later than this Friday's pack meeting (1/29/2010). Send RSVP to tarnowskiallen@yahoo.com. This event is limited to cub scouts only and their respective den leader. Each den will elect a volunteer den leader which will be responsible for their scouts (den) on the train. We will have at least 4 leaders on the train which satisfies the two deep leadership rule. There are also plenty of docents and NCRR staff on the train. I am sorry for the inconvenience of no siblings and adult partners. These leadership ratio rules were recently changed by the NCRR. We will meet at Sunol station at 9:00 am. We will receive instruction and depart at 10:00 am. The parents can wait in the lot or have lunch across the street. The train takes 90 to 120 minutes round trip. The purpose of the mud ball express is to plant wild flower along the right of way. This is done by throwing mud balls with wild flower seed mixed in over the side of the train on to the hill side. It might be a good idea to bring gloves and old clothes. There is no sink on the train so bring baby wipes to clean the scouts off before they climb into the car! This event is fun and is considered a service project good towards the national den award! Remember to RSVP to me (tarnowskiallen@yahoo.com) and you must receive confirmation from me! Thank you and see you there. Allen T. [See pictures of Pack 268 Mud Ball Special outing in November 2008]
Hello Pack-- Hope this finds you all healthy and happy as you prepare for the holidays. We're finally able to pass along the info for this Friday's Pack Meeting and Holiday Social. Sorry for the late notice. We were trying to coordinate other events in conjunction with the Pack meeting, and that left everything up in the air until now. Anyway, here's what you need to know for Friday.
Please bring an hors d'oeuvre (preferably finger food) or a dessert to share. Drinks will be provided. Also, please email back to let us know the number of people attending and what you plan to bring.
Sure hope everyone can make it! Kind regards, Jeana Lessa, Committee Chair, Pack 268 P.S. Please keep an eye out for a subsequent e-mail regarding the schedule for our other December activity -- Christmas caroling at Alma Via Senior Center. 12/17/09 Here's the info for our Christmas Caroling activity this weekend.
One last thing, the Scouts will receive a patch for caroling, but can anyone bring some sort of treat to give to all the kids as we leave? Rebecca Venable brought something for them last year...it was a really nice gesture. Sure hope everyone can join us. The seniors really enjoy seeing the Scouts each year, and it's so nice to visit with them. What a great start to Christmas week! See you all at the Pack meeting. --Jeana |
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