"In 1930, the Boy Scouts of America created a new opportunity called Cub Scouting for boys younger than Boy Scout age. A year-round, home-centered program used by chartered organizations, Cub Scouting emphasizes involvement between boys and their parents, adult leaders, and friends. In the multidimensional plan of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scouting is where it all begins." |
![]() Organization |
ORGANIZATION Cub Scout Pack 268 is located in Union City, CA. We are a small pack but we're growing! The Pack currently consists of 19 boys. The boys meet in small groups called dens. Each den has an adult leader and assistant leader(s). Our youngest Scouts are the TIGER CUBS. Tiger Cubs are first graders. Tiger Cubs form a team with an adult partner. They wear the Cub Scout blue shirt with the Tiger Cub neckerchief and slide. The Tiger Cub program is overseen by our pack Tiger Cub Coordinator, who will help organize various activities throughout the year. The WOLF dens are our second graders, third graders form the BEAR dens, and forth and fifth graders advance to WEBELOS. Sixth graders and older (or Webelos after obtaining the "ARROW OF LIGHT") are eligible for Boy Scouts. Boys may enter the Cub Scout program at any level according to their age. Each rank (Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos) offers its own challenges, but these challenges are not predicated on earning a previous rank. Pack 268 welcomes new boys at any level. For more information, see the Cub Scout Fact Sheet posted on the official Boy Scouts of America webpage.
MEETINGS Den meetings: Most dens meet weekly, although it is up to the individual den to set its own meeting schedule. At least two adults are required at all meetings. This is known as two deep leadership and is a universal rule in Cub Scouting. In Pack 268, each den has a designated den leader and assistant leader(s), but in some dens the parents take turns in organizing the weekly den meetings. Pack meetings: Pack 268 meetings are held at Searles Elementary School, 33629 15th Street, Union City, in the cafeteria, the third Friday of the month, from 7:00 to 8:15 PM. Occasionally, additional meetings will be held for special events. Pack meetings are for all the boys of Pack 268. We expect at least one parent/partner to attend the pack meetings and strongly encourage the whole family to attend. There are many special events throughout the year, including family camp outs, pot lucks, good turns, Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, as well as council events like Camporees, Scout-o-Rama, Summer Camps, etc. Committee Meetings: The Pack Committee consists of all Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders and Committee Officers. Meetings are held once a month and the dates vary but are determined well in advance. Parents need only check the Pack Calendar for the next meeting date. The Committee meets to discuss organizational matters, future events and exchange ideas. This is where all the planning and program development takes place. All parents are welcome to attend. Roundtables: Roundtables are where Scouting ideas are exchanged by leaders of the whole district. All Pack 268 leaders are encouraged to attend Roundtables. Parents are also welcome.
ADVANCEMENTS Advancements challenge a boy to work on skills that match his ability and interest level. A boy is not supposed to be perfect, but to do his best. Boys will be exposed and motivated to try out a lot of different activities outlined in the handbook for each rank. Tiger Cubs earn a rank patch and iron-on paws and beads by participating in activities. All other Cub Scouts earn the Bobcat rank first, and later the rank appropriate for their age level. Bobcat is the first rank necessary for all Cub Scouts, regardless of when a new Scout enters the program. The Bobcat can be earned while working on the achievements for any rank. Wolf Cub Scouts earn the Wolf rank by completing 49 tracks in 12 achievements. After earning their Wolf badge they can work on electives to earn Arrow Points. Bear Cub Scouts earn the Bear rank by completing 12 of 24 possible achievements. After earning their Bear badge they can work on electives to earn Arrow Points. Webelos Scouts earn the Webelos rank by completing the various requirements for Webelos Activity Badges. After earning their Webelos rank they can earn Compass Points by completing additional activities. Webelos can also earn the "Arrow of Light Award," the highest award in Cub Scouting. Wolf, Bears, and Webelos can also earn recognition through the Cub Scout Sports and Academic Program. Belt loops are awarded for trying out many sports and completing extra work in various academic subjects. Sport and academic pins are awarded for more advanced participation and work. All advancements are awarded at Pack meetings. This gives the boys the opportunity to be recognized in front of their peers for the work they have done in earning their various achievements. For more information about rank advancement, see the Cub Scout Rank Advancement webpage on the official site of the Boy Scouts of America.
WHO's WHO Akela: A name given in Cub Scouting for a parent, a leader, or a role model. (In "The Jungle-Book" story, by Rudyard Kipling, Akela is the leader of the pack). Cubmaster: The figurehead and master of ceremonies at pack meetings; the number one Akela! Assistant Cubmaster: An adult leader who supports the Cubmaster. Committee: Organizes and supervises all pack activities. In Pack 268, if you are an adult leader you are a committee member. Committee Chairperson: Person in charge of the Pack committee overseeing all aspects of pack operation. Chartered Organization: Each Cub Scout Pack is sponsored by some organization, such as a school, church or community group, which provides support and occasional financial assistance. Commissioner: A Council representative (not a member of the pack) who gives advice and provides organizational assistance to the pack. A "friend of Scouters". Den Leader: An adult in charge of a den; responsible for organizing regular den meetings and presenting the Cub Scout program to the boys. Den Leaders are our most valued adult leaders. Assistant Den Leader: Adult leader who assists the den leader in fulfilling his or her responsibilities. Den Leader Coach: A resource person for all den leaders; provides direct assistance to new leaders. Den Chief: An older Boy Scout from a local Boy Scout Troop who assists the adult leaders and helps lead the den. Denner: One of the Cubs Scouts elected by his den to help the den leader and den chief. Tiger Cub Coach: Organizes the Tiger Cub dens. Ensures participation of Tiger Cubs in Pack meetings and recognition activities.
REGISTRATION FEES, UNIFORMS Fees: The yearly registration fee is $75.00. The year is from January to December and the cost is prorated if joining after the 31st of January. (see How to Register) Uniforms: Cub Scouts (and leaders) buy their own uniforms,
including council patch, world crest, pack numerals, and den
number. (Jo Hendee has available for $12.00 the patches for
the uniform in a set including the pack numerals together on
one patch) Wolf and Bear Cubs wear the blue Cub Scout
uniform. Webelos can choose to wear either the blue Cub
Scout uniform or tan Boy Scout uniform. Tiger Cubs wear the
blue Cub Scout uniform with a Tiger Cub neckerchief and
slide (orange/black). Help is available from your den leader
and at the scout shops for proper uniform attire. Note: Pack
268 accepts any dark blue pants with the blue Cub Scout
uniform. This official uniform is called the "Class A"
uniform. The pack has designed a "Class B" uniform for
outing that we do not wear our official Class A uniform, but
still what to be recognized as a group. Class B uniforms can
be purchased from Jo Hendee. The size and price are as
follows: TIGER CUB UNIFORM CUB SCOUT UNIFORM ADULT LEADER UNIFORM Uniform cost is approximately $75 without trousers. Uniforms can be purchased at: East Bay Scout Shop Handbooks are provided by the pack. Please notice that every handbook has a parent guide at the beginning. Please take the time to read this section of the handbook. Any of the leaders would be happy to answer any question you may have. If your boy has a friend who is interested in Cub Scouts, bring him to any den or pack meeting. Don't wait for the next year's membership drive. Pack 268 always welcomes new scouts. For more information about joining our pack click here.
PARENTS As leaders of Pack 268 we will do our best to provide a quality program. But all the leaders are volunteers and have many other obligations; we depend on parents to help provide the excellent program we have. We ask every parent to help the pack in some capacity if at all possible. The most important (and most fun) job is Den Leader (see below). However, there are other areas where your help in running the pack would be greatly appreciated. We need your help when organizing pack meetings. Each pack meeting will have a theme and sometimes we will need flexible people in charge of activities, or to keep the dens organized. Various outings or field trips are a big part of the Cub Scouting experience. Parents will occasionally be asked to attend and help manage these outings. We need your input at Committee Meetings. Each month we review our finances and plan for the next month's activities. We also discuss any issues that arise regarding pack operation and leadership. This is the time when your voice can be heard concerning anything pack related. We strongly encourage all leaders to attend Committee meetings, but parents may also attend. There are no secrets in Cub Scouting. Parents are always welcome at any organizational meetings of the pack, district, or council. Den Leaders are the ones who will guide our boys through everything Cub Scouting has to offer. Being a Den Leader is challenging, fun and can be a very rewarding experience. The following is a brief description of the role and responsibilities of Den Leader. Den Leaders: As a Den Leader your job is to familiarize yourself with the Cub Scout program (Wolf, Bear, or Webelos) and present it to your boys in an organized fashion. You should make sure that regular den meetings are setup, and be present at the den meetings most of the time. However, you should not do everything yourself. Try to enlist the help of other parents whenever possible. You should watch the leaders fast start tape (we have copies). You should attend Youth Protection Training and Cub Scout Leader Basic Training if possible, a one day training course organized by the council. Alternatively, you can receive training online. Online leader training is available at http://olc.scouting.org/. Den Leaders should keep attendance records and keep records of all the awards and advancements each scout earns. Advancement requests will need to be turned in a few days before each pack meeting. At each pack meeting each den will have a specific roll to play, such as, opening flag ceremony, perform a skit, serve punch, setup, cleanup, closing, etc. Leaders will need to check the Den Duty Roster to find out your den's responsibilities for each pack meeting. In Pack 268, being a leader automatically makes you a member of the Pack Committee. You should try to participate in as many committee meetings as possible. Don't hesitate to ask for help. The Cubmaster and Committee Chairperson are always very willing to lend an ear or a helping hand. Also, ask your fellow den leaders how they handle things, and tell others about what works well in your den. Sharing information is what makes a successful program! Tiger Cub Leaders: Tiger Cubs are organized somewhat differently than the other Cub Scouts. As a Tiger Cub parent you should just enjoy and be a partner to your boy, and help your den. Tiger Cubs usually meet once a month, but your den can organize it however you like. There is a guide book of "Big Ideas" that you might choose to follow. There are no achievements to be completed or advancements to earn, and the whole activity should just be simple and fun. The Tiger Cub motto is Search, Discover, Share. The "Den Leader" in Tiger Cubs is more correctly called Tiger Den Coach (because all parents are expected to share in the Tiger Den leadership). The Tiger Cub Coordinator will help to setup the den, organize activities and act as a friendly resource. Pack 268 includes its Tiger Cubs in all pack activities. |
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