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Parade Info 2008
As promised, last Monday, I and some Troop 110 members along
with Leonard, attended the parade meeting. The troop and
pack are asked to help carry parade banners. They need a
total of 32 volunteers to carry 16 banners, 2 for each
banner (scouts, parents, leaders, and siblings are all
welcomed). There are other positions available such as
picking up after horses, walking the big balloons, and
general clean up. (To carry the balloons you must be 18
years old) In additions to the parade help, Mission Peak has
reserved a spot to march in the parade (Skip Phair is the
coordinator, the spot is 18). They are asking all scouts and
leaders to wear the Class A uniform. IF you are helping in
the parade, they ask the scouts and registered
leaders/parents to wear their Class A (or B) as well. They
want all parade volunteers to come early and sign in between
7:30 and 8:30AM. The parade itself will begin at 10AM sharp.
Also, please do not park in the staging or parade area as
you will be ticketed and towed. There will be free public
transportation for parade volunteers and spectators from the
designated parking lots to the parade area. I have attached
information regarding the parade and parking, please read.
See on Friday-
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
Manditory parent/leader
meeting this Sunday, 29th. Please plain to attend, Thank
I hope all of you are enjoying the summer break.
There will be a parent/leader meeting this Sunday, 2PM.
Locations yet to be determined. We will be focusing once
again on Youth Protection and the Two Deep leadership
requirement, discussing the garage sale, and the upcoming
4th of July parade at Centerville. I want all parents and
registered leaders to be present---this is mandatory. I have
called Bill Fournell, who is a trained instructor in Youth
Protection, to instruct us on Youth Protection and the Two
Deep concept. I feel there are still members in the pack who
are in the "clouds" in understanding the concept of Two Deep
and why it is important. Please if you do not understand a
topic do not be afraid to ask. After the meeting, I want the
leaders and committee members to remain to discuss the
leadership of the pack--short meeting. I understand this a
late notice, summer break is here, and 4th of July is
approaching fast but protecting our youth is too important
to ignore and take it for granted any longer. Please
remember, everyone in the pack is valued and respected and
your concerns are taken seriously.
Since we will be discussing sensitive issues
regarding Youth Protection, having the kids around is not
recommended. If you can, please keep your kids home. If the
kids have to come, we will need to find a place and a none
pack member to watch and entertain the kids. Thank
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
Reminder about the training
this Wednesday, 11th
Just sending a friendly reminder to you of this
Wednesday's (11th) training at the Contempo Clubhouse, 7PM.
The address is 32300 Meteor Drive, Union City, 94587. Scouts
and siblings are welcomed to come but make sure they bring
their bathing suits and a towel because the pool will be
open. Also, you are welcomed and encouraged to bring your
favorite snack to share for all. See you
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
Pack Calendar and
We will need to create a pack calendar for school
year 08 - 09 very soon. I had given Tinella the pack
planning packet from council to aid in creating the
calendar, planning our meetings and events for next school
year. We need to pick a date to get the calendar together
and complete this task have it posted on
We need to pick a date and location for the
fundraiser. I know we will be doing a garage sale but need
to set a date, place, and time to do it.
Last, the 4th of July parade will be held in
Centerville (Fremont). The parade coordinators are looking
for volunteers to help in the parade and maybe be in it. I
need a list of names of those interested by the 11th. There
will be meeting on the 30th of June, 6:30PM, held at the
Masonic Home in Fremont to discuss the details and jobs
needed. Troop 110 is participating as they have for many
years. I hope you can too-
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
Reminder: Pack Meeting This
Friday, Searles, 7PM
All, just sending a friendly reminder, we are having
a pack meeting this Friday, 6th, 7PM, at Searles. This will
be a recruiting night and need all our scouts and leaders to
be in full uniform. Once everyone shows, we will take the
meeting to Mr. Chans house to discuss the pack and scouting
in general to our prospective members, and have some eats
and fun (and prizes too). See you on
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
Adult Training for Troop 110
and Pack 268
I have been in contact with David Libby (District
Training Chair) regarding training for Youth Protection and
Fast Start. June 11th, Wednesday, seems to be the magical
date for the training. I have spoken in private with some of
you regarding this subject and there is interest just needed
a date. Both classes can be done online and but offering it
in a real class environment has it's merits. Please keep in
mind, the training will need to be renewed every three
years. The classes will be offered at the Contempo Clubhouse
off of Meteor Drive, (32300 Meteor Drive, Union City,
94587), next to Contempo Park, Union City. Probably should
start class at 7PM (half hour to an hour). David has
requested a head count since he will need to make sure he
has enough cards for all. We have new and old members in
need of this training (includes myself), please let me know
if you are planning on attending. I have the TV and VCR.
Thank you-
John Gillen, Scoutmaster, Troop
----- Original Message -----
From: David
To: John Gillen<>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 1:48 PM
Subject: RE: Adult Training for Troop 110 and Pack
My schedule will allow me to attend the June 11th
meeting. I will need a TV and VCR to show the material. Will
you want me to do both Fast Start and Youth Protection to
all or will be splitting them into two different groups? As
soon as practical can I get a head count so I can have
enough cards for everyone?
David Libby
Important: Swimming pool
open during the adult training on the
I was just reminded Troop 110 is opening the swimming
pool for the scouts and siblings at the clubhouse on the
11th. You are invited to bring your scout and their siblings
to the class for a fun evening in the pool while you are
being trained. As mentioned, the training should take no
more than 1 hour to complete for both (or hour and a half
tops). I figure we can begin the class at 7PM and complete
by 8PM. Thanks-
John Gillen
I hope all of you had a great Memorial Day and
weekend, I did, but as always, too short. I just wanted to
remind you about next Saturday, 31st. There will be another
opportunity for those who did not get a chance to plant
flags and honor our veterans by removing the flags planted
at the Golden Gate National Cementery in San Bruno last
Saturday. We will meet at the Bakers Square parking lot at
8AM. The parking lot is located at the corner of Sneath Lane
and Interstate 280 (West side of freeway, next to the Unocal
76 service station). I will bring donuts and juice. Everyone
is welcomed to participate, however, all scouts and leaders
must wear their full class A uniform. If you participated in
planting the flags last Saturday at the San Bruno site and
participate in removing the flags, you will receive a patch
and pin. Otherwise, you will only receive the patch.
Remember you will be honoring our fallen veterans and doing
a community service which is what scouting is all about,
giving back.
Please mark your calendars, June 6th, Friday, will be
a recruiting night. Allen and Angela T. distributed the
flyers to three UC elementary schools last week---thank you,
guys!! The meeting will begin at 7PM and be located at
Searles. However, once everyone has arrived (7:30 - 7:45PM),
we will take the meeting to Bruce C. house for a barbaque
and presentation and Q & A for our prospective members.
I hope to have a great turn out for this event. It would be
fitting if all our scouts and leaders wore their full
uniforms. We will also have a visitor from council to
discuss the Cubscouts summer camp.
Last, June 14th and 15th, is the pack graduation and
camp out. The event will be held at the Lake Chabot Regional
Park, Puma Point Group Camp ground. The camp ground will
open at 2PM, on the 14th. I have a limited amount of parking
permits---please plan to carpool. We will be sharing our
camp ground with Troop 110's newest scouts from the Prowling
Panthers. Not to worry, they will be making their own meals
as part of their rank requirements. However, we will be
sharing parking permits with them. I have purchased total of
10 permits (maximum allowed). As I have told the troop
members, if you are staying overnight, please plan and try
to carpool. One more item, as their way of thanking the pack
for sharing the campground, they will be intertaining us
with a skit and song.
Please, all scouts finish up your ranks as the
graduation is approaching. Chrisitine will need all
completed ranks turned in two weeks before the ceremony. She
needs the time to prepare and pick up the patches. Thank
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
Memorial Day Flag
I am forwarding this email from Bruce addressed to
the troop for the upcoming flag planting at the San Bruno
site on the 24th. Below are the details of where the
troop is meeting (Note at San Bruno). The pack is welcome to
join the troop since I have registered both units for flag
planting and removal. I would recommend you arrive early
since parking lot will fill up quickly. I will not be
attending the 24th event since I have another commitment
that day. However, I will be attending the 31st event, the
removal of the flags, you are welcomed to attend too. The
meeting location will be the same, however, the time will be
8AM since the removal of the flags will commence at 9AM with
no cerermony prior. If you decide to attend both flag
planting and removal, you can receive a patch and pin. If
you do one or the other, you will receive the patch only.
This a great way to honor our veterans and earn some service
hours at both events. I will be picking the patches (and
pins) on the 31st.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend. See you next
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
Hello Troop:
This coming Memorial Day weekend, the troop will
be placing American flags at the graves of our honored
veterans at the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno
on 5/24/08. We will meet in the parking lot of Baker's
square restaurant at the corner of Sneath Lane and
interstate 280. The restaurant is on the west side of the
freeway, next to the Unocal 76 Service station. The
meeting time is 7:30 am, Saturday morning. Scouts and
adult leaders should wear their class A uniforms, except for
Merit Badge sashes. There is a ceremony at the Cemetery
prior to placing the flags. We are normally finished with
the event by mid-morning.
This is always a worthwhile event, and it also counts
for service hours.
Bruce Chan
Assistant Scoutmaster
Flag Planting on the 24th /
Removing on the 31st.
This weekend and next are going to be busy. I have
registered the Pack for the 31st AND the 24th for the San
Bruno Site. For the SF site, I canceled but not to fret. You
can participate in either site. The registration is for the
patches only. The only stipulation is the scouts and
registered leaders have to wear their full uniforms while
planting the flages or removing them the following weekend.
I will be attending the 31st event since I have another
commitment on the 24th and need to be ready for it.
Christine O and Jordan O have expressed interest in planting
flags at the SF site on the 24th and want to attend the
Exploratorium afterwards (free to all uniformed
scouts)---your welcome to join them. As I told Christine,
the SF site may have extra patches for those who dropped in
at the last minute and participated. Three years ago, I took
my youngest son to the SF site by mistake and participated
anyway---we had fun. I was able to purchase patches at the
booth that day--they had extras. Also, please remember, you
can participate on the 24th and the 31st. IF you do, you can
receive a pin and the patch (San Bruno Site
I do want to apologize for the last minute changes. I
would have been nice to if we had done this as a group. For
next year, lets make sure this happens.
I have included the information on both events. For
the San Bruno, use the link
For the SF site, see
this PDF.
The Boy Scout Slogan, Do A Good Turn
John Gillen
It brought me great pleasure to see you all and an
honor to welcome our new Webelos scout Vineet (and Raj his
What a blessing to have Bruce & John as our
leaders.....double blessings!
Congrats, Congrats, Congrats to Jennifer & Danny
on their upcoming wedding this coming Sat. and their
dedication to the Pack of bringing Quentin to the meeting a
week out from their big day. If there is anything we as a
Pack can do to assist with the wedding pls. don't hesitate
to ask.
Per info. from BSA conveyed by Bruce & John
please find listed dates & participants for upcoming
Flag Ceremony (5/24) Cemetery in Daly City -
Attendees as of May 16th, Roland & Brandon, Raj &
Vineet, Christine & Jordan, Mike & Mikey, Tinella
& Hudson (& Taylor), John G. & Austin (per
Recruiting Night (6/6) Searles Elem. School - per
flyers we will meet at Searles for ceremonial opening and
proceed to Bruce's house for a camp fire with dessert or hot
dogs on the grill. Maybe even some type of fun activities
(please submit ideas & suggestions, keep in mind there
will be prospective scouts in our midst so think
Pack 268 Graduation Camp Out (6/14-6/15) - Camp site
check-in 6/14 at 2:00pm & check-out 6/15, 12noon. Dinner
Friday night (hopefully) prepared by our Webelos scouts with
a menu of grilled hamburgers and hotdog's, salads,
chips/salsa, fruit, Gatorade, water and smores for evening
snack. Adults agreed to bring extra goodies for the grill;
salmon, steaks, sausage, chicken, etc.
Breakfast - Pancakes & Bacon (Tinella volunteered
to help other adult volunteers cook...hint,
utensils (Jennifer & Danny), paper cups, paper plates,
paper towels, cutlery, pots/pans (Jennifer & Danny),
matches or fire starters (Tinella), charcoal (Tinella),
syrup & pancake mix (Tinella), bacon, griddles for
pancakes/bacon, camping stoves (Bruce Chan), spatula's,
cooler (2 large), dish liquid, sponges, plastic bowls for
mixing, lanterns, toilet paper, water jugs, ice, Tang for
Fundraiser (6/21-6/22) - Mike Denney's house, Garage
Sale & Hotdog, Bake, Lemonade Sale, etc. and whatever
else you want to sale.
Adult Training - John will have a trainer render
adult leader training for us. As of Friday, 5/16 we have
several adults in need of some sort of leadership training:
Angela, Danny, Gary, Jennifer, Leonard, Raj, &
*** Please feel free to add any pertinent additions
or suggestions ***
Per your request I am in the process of putting
together the Pack calendar for 2009 which I will provide as
it is completed.
Yours In Scouting,
Tinella Coats
Committee Chair
Important please read:
Memorial Day Flag Planting, I made an
It was brought to my attention the flyer I sent you
was for the San Francisco site not the San Bruno site.
Furthermore, I had registered the pack for the San Francisco
site thinking I was registering for the San Bruno site. I do
apologize for the error. As it stands, I have missed the
dead line for pre-registration for the San Bruno site for
the 24th (for patches only). The San Francisco site is
another half hour drive and it's starting time is 9AM which
San Bruno begins at 10AM (However, the SF site is much
smaller than the San Bruno site). There will be another
opportunity to participate and honor our veterans by
removing the flags at the San Bruno site on the following
weekend, 31st. This qualifies for a patch and service hours
too. I can register the pack for the 31st on Monday, 19th,
and cancel the San Francisco event for the 24th. I am
involved with a Eagle court of honor on the 24th at 1PM and
would prefer to participate on the 31st instead. Many
families that attended last Friday's pack meeting voiced
they may not be able to attend due to family commitments.
Therefore, I believe the 31st is a better choice and should
cancel the San Francisco event. I have included the link to
the San Bruno event. Please read and let me know, thank you
for your understanding-
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
Ohlone Radio Station
Den-1 has just finished setting up a tour for the
Ohlone radio station.We need this to satisfy an advancement
requirement and would like to invite the rest of the pack to
participate if you would like. The tour will be on Monday
the 12th (sorry weekdays only) and starts promptly at 4:30.
Late arrivals will have to catch up with the rest of the
group. Parking is two dollars and they suggest using change
in the day pass machines. Due to the scattered parking and
availability I am asking all who will attend to meet at the
Amphitheater at the smith center on the Ohlone campus. I
also am asking all to access the Ohlone website and look at
the campus map for directions because I don't yet know how
to attach and send with this. Also the radio station is on
the second floor by the outdoor elevator at the smith
Look forward to seeing you all there.
Allen T. Den-1
Regarding District
I forwarded an email to everyone last week regarding
pre-registration for the District Dinner. I was supposed to
send it in on behalf of the pack and not to have individual
members submitting the form. I will take care of the
pre-registration. So far I have received 6 responses but
will list 12. FYI: Each table will seat 8 comfortably and
pre registration is $2 cheaper. Important, for those who
have registered, please let me know as soon as you can.
Now, I need to make a correction to the last email
naming Tinella's as the winner. Most of you have noticed
already, the subject line of the email named Tinella as the
winner---this in error. No one knows, accept for 3 selected
council members, who are the winners. I sincerely apologize
for not catching the error before I forwarded it. I hope
this does not change your mind about attending the dinner.
How the process works is by nominating member or members of
particular unit. This is done by sending in a nomination
form for each nominee by members of the unit or outside the
unit, even the unit commissioner. There our hundreds of
nominations collected and reviewed by the 3 members of
council but only a limited number of candidates, 20 to 30,
are accepted each year. Kind of like how a resume' is
screened, looking for the perfect candidate's]. All the
members of our pack are eligible and deserve to be
recognized, but unfortunately, only one in our unit was
accepted this year. Again, I do not know who won and
apologize for any convenience this may have caused you,
especially to Tinella.
Remember, the dinner is next Saturday, 10th.
Additional information is below. If you have not done so,
please do not send in the registration form. I will send it
in on behalf of the pack. I hope we have good representation
of the pack this year, last year we did
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster, Pack
District Dinner - IMPORTANT
- Please read!!!
Below is information regarding the district dinner on
the 10th. As you know, one of our leaders is being
recognized this year for their contributions to scouting and
the pack. I would like to see a 90% or better turn out of
Pack 268's staff and parent volunteers. The link below is
for dinner registration. Please down load the registration
and send it in. Also, it has been recommended we make a
center piece for the table and bring in a collage of pack
pictures of all our events these past years. We have some
really creative members in the pack, can we put this
together in a week? I have pictures and so do many of you.
Keep the dialogue moving!!!
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve
To: John Gillen <> ; Bruce Chan
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 3:48 PM
John and Bruce,
Here's a hotlink to the Dinner registration
This year's Dinner will be held from 6 pm - 8:30 pm
on May 10th at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church at 38451
Fremont Blvd. (across from Washington High
The menu includes salad, Tri-Tip, baked potato,
jello/fruit plate, cake and ice cream, punch and coffee. All
of this for only $10 per person. Seating will be in tables
of 8, and you can reserve your tables today by filling out
and returning the flyer that can be accessed by clicking on
the hotlink above or by retrieving it from the Mission Peak
page on the
Please return your reservation forms per the
instructions on the form and send an email to me at
so we can have an idea of how many people will be attending
and have enough food for everyone. We can have a vegetarian
option available if we know in advance, so indicate how many
vegetarian dinners you need in the email to
Please bring pictures and other items from your unit
showing your Scouting activities over the past year to share
with the group. You are also welcome to make a table
centerpiece for your table as well.
We look forward to seeing you and members of Pack 268
and Troop 110 at the Dinner.
Steve Armstrong
District Commissioner
We will have a Trail Trekker Hike on Sunday
(5/4/08), and NO pack meeting on Friday night (5/2/08).
Wolf and Bear Scouts will be able to work on advancements
during the Sunday hike, either during lunch or right after
the hike.
We will meet at Searles School on Sunday morning at
8:30. All hikers should bring a sack lunch and plenty of
water (or a gatorade/ powerade). We will caravan out to
Sunol Regional Park (just under 30 minute drive), and start
out on our adventure!
Make sure that you wear good shoes, closed-toe, plus
good socks. A light jacket or sweater should be worn as
well. Class B yellow tee-shirts should also be
Little Yosemite is a really cool place, lots of
boulders and trees, plus wildlife. The actual hiking time is
about 2-1/2 hours roundtrip - allowing for a slower pace for
younger Scouts.
Some of you are going to the A's Game, but if you
aren't - join the rest of pack on the hike! Beautiful
scenery, fresh air - and lots of fun.
Bruce Chan
A lot has happen to the pack in the past few weeks,
leadership changes, bridging, pack and den activities. On
April 11th, the pack held a Blue and Gold event at Searles
with near 100% attendance consisting of scouts their
families and friends, who came to honor the scouts, leaders,
and volunteers for their efforts. We had six scouts receive
their Bobcat badge, one scout complete his Tiger Rank,
another complete his Bear rank, another complete his Arrow
Of Light of award, and many completed belt loops, sports
pins, and activity badges, all where acknowledged for their
hard work. Every scout in the pack did not go empty handed,
each one had participated in many of the pack events,
completed requirements, and performed community service. All
of our leaders were awarded for their efforts in the making
the pack grow and go.
April 12th, the pack attended a district level
Pinewood Derby held at Hobby Town USA, in Fremont. Only four
scouts in all attended the event, the bulk from Pack 268.
Patches awarded for those who attended.
April 18th, the packs 263 and 174, held their
Pinewood Derby event at St Anne's Catholic Church Parish
Hall in Union City. Packs 263 and 174 requested the use of
Pack 268's track. In appreciation for the use of the track,
Packs 263 and 174 invited 268 to the event. With time to
spare, the final winners of all the packs competed with
awesome sportsmanship. Stanley T. took first place and
Geordan S took 2nd place, both overall---congratulation
guys!!! Jonathon S. came close in taking third place
overall---great job in doing your best, Jonathon!!! I want
to thank the boys and parents for coming out that night to
represent the pack, who competed, and who honored the
opposing team---thank you so much!!!
April 19th, Pack 268, attended as guests on Canoe Day
at Quarry Lakes in Fremont hosted by Troop 110. Three scouts
along with their families from the pack attended and had a
great time learning how to canoe. The weather was not so
favorable though. The wind was fierce and strong, making it
very difficult to maneuver the canoes around lake but all
came back safe with very sore arms and backs. Afterwards,
all the scouts and families where treated with hamburgers
and hotdogs. A brief ceremony was held honoring the former
scoutmaster, Bruce C. of Troop 110, and former cubmaster,
John G., of Pack 268. During the ceremony, both leaders
officially switched leadership roles and were honored and
welcomed by the members of both units.
April 25th, Pack 268 held a bridging ceremony for
Rahul M. at Searles. Troop 176, Rahul chose to bridge to,
came and performed the ceremony. Many scouts attended, both
the pack and troop, to honor Rahul. Afterwards, Tiger cubs
from Pack 268, performed by singing the song they did not
get to sing at the Blue and Gold. Both parents and scouts
did a great job. Refreshments where served by Rahul's family
and pack members. I wish Rahul all the best in his scouting
Pack 268 just signed on a new scout. His name is
Vineet S. He is a fourth grader at Challenger School.
Welcome to the pack, Vineet!!!
Heads up, next Sunday, the 4th, Boy
Scout Day with the Oakland A's. All scouts are welcomed
to attend. Game starts at 1:05PM. There will be pre-game
parade around the field for uniformed scouts and leaders.
You need to line up at the B lot at 11:30AM and be in FULL
uniform. A commemorative patch will be handed out that day
to all uniformed scouts and leaders who participate. This is
a great experience and a great way to spend an afternoon. It
is too late to preorder discounted group tickets. However, I
believe tickets can be purchased at the door. Pack 273 has
invited us to attend the parade and game with them but I
have not heard back. Anyway, if you are interested in
attended I would encourage you to go.
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, former Cubmaster, Pack
Friday Pack
Mr. Gillen and I have traded places, and I am looking
forward to being the Cubmaster and having lots of great fun
and adventure with you all! Friday night (4/25/08), right
after the bridging ceremony and other Pack activities, the
Pack is invited to join Troop 110 for a fire-roasted dessert
at my house (see Members
area for my address). The Boy Scouts will be working on
cooking Merit Badge and will be making peach cobblers and
other goodies in cast iron Dutch ovens.
It'll be outside, so bring a warm coat. Hot chocolate
will also be served. There will be a
Mr. Gillen will be standing in for me on Friday night
at the Pack meeting since I will be at the Troop meeting
standing in for him (he is now the Scoutmaster of Troop
110). This is simply because the meeting was scheduled for
my house, and I ought to be there to take care of set-up
stuff, various requests, etc...
See you all Friday night!
Bruce Chan
Mission Peak District
I was just informed by our commissioner, Steve A.,
that one leader from Pack 268 is receiving an award from the
MP (Mission Peak) district. The award and recipient, along
with other deserving recipents from other troops and packs,
will be announced and honored at the District Dinner on May
10th. The core leadership of pack 268 needs to be present,
this includes Tinella, Christine, Roland, Allen, Jennifer,
Mike D., Bruce, myself, and Murad. It would be fitting if
the parents of pack 268 attended also to honor the leaders
for the sacrifices they made over the year[s]. Pack
268 has been blessed with so many dedicated parents and they
should be thanked for their time and efforts. One last note,
the district dinner happens once a year and is a great way
to meet and see other leaders in the MP
The cost is $10 per person, the menu is Tri Tip.
The date is May 10th, Saturday evening, beginning at
6:30PM. The Dinner will be at Prince of Peace Church,
38451 Fremont Blvd, across the street from Washington High
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster, Pack 268
Thank you Pack 268 for two
great years!!!
I just wanted to thank you for 2 great years being
your cubmaster. The experience I have gained being your
leader is priceless and will never be forgotten nor wasted.
As you know last Saturday, the 18th, at Quarry Lakes, Bruce
and I traded leadership roles, I am now the scout master for
Troop 110 and Bruce will be cubmaster for Pack 268. However,
I will be his assistant cubmaster filling in when he needs
me. I can insure you Bruce is an exceptional experienced
leader who will take Pack 268 to a new an exciting level. He
has over 7 years of experience with leader ship roles as a
den leader, Webelos den leader, scout master, assistant
cubmaster, and now your cubmaster. This summer he will be on
the Brown Sea staff as an instructor. For those who do not
know, Brown Sea is an annual, BSA sponsored week long
leadership training camp for boy scouts, 13 to 18, First
Class rank and over, with the sole objective of teaching
them how to be leaders. My older son has attended and my
youngest will attend this summer. Believe me Brown Sea does
change these boys into men. I also attended such a camp
(JLT, Junior Leadership Training) when I was a boy
My dream and hope is too see the pack remain strong
and healthy for another 40 years, continuing the objective
of fostering our young boys in becoming responsible adults
and leaders. I will miss being your cubmaster but look
forward to the challenges of scoutmaster. Thank you again
for the opportunity-
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Assistant Cubmaster, Pack
Pinewood Derby with Pack
263----Directions to the Hall
As promised, below is the St. Anne's Church address.
This church is in Union City not Fremont as first thought. I
do apologize for any convenience I may have caused. I do
hope you can make this great event and remember you can come
at anytime between 6:30PM to 9PM. I will be there throughout
the event. You are welcomed and encouraged to bring your
favorite refreshment to share. Our winners are being
challenged to race theirs.
St Anne's Church
32223 Cabello St
Union City, CA 94587
(510) 471-7766
The church is located on the same street as troop 110
meeting site, just on the other side of
Yours In Scouting, John Gillen
Important---Reminders &
This Weeks Activities
Just sending you some reminders regarding this weeks
activities. This Friday, 18th, is Packs 263 and 174
Pinewood Derby event happening at St Anne's Hall in
Fremont. I will send out directions soon so please be
checking your email frequently. The event will begin at 7PM,
check in is 6:30PM. The event will end around 9:30PM. Both
packs are sending a challenge to our top winners to race
theirs at the end. I would like to see a big turn out from
our pack.
This Saturday, 19th, is Canoe Day at Quarry Lakes
hosted by Troop 110. Bruce C and I will be trading
places as leaders for the troop and pack, lunch will be
provided, and all can enjoy a canoe trip around the lake, or
walk, or fish (A State Fishing License required for 16 and
older and park fee of $4 to fish at the
Also, mark you calendars. May 4th, Sunday, Pack
268 is invited to join Pack 273 in the As pre-game
parade. My two boys participated in this event when they
where cubscouts and had a blast. You will receive a
commemorative patch for participation plus be on camera and
walk around the field and watch an As game afterwards. The
only prerequisite is you have to be in full uniform (no
exceptions) this includes the adult leaders. More
information to follow. I believe all scouts and their
families will receive discounted tickets for the
Our next pack meeting will be Friday, 25th, at
Searles, 7PM. We will be bridging Rahul M. to Troop 176.
It would be nice if all pack members came celebrated his
walk from cubscouts to boyscouts. Since the boys did not get
a chance to perform their skits/songs at the Blue and Gold,
I would like to see the scouts perform at the pack meeting
before and after the bridging. I expect a great turn out for
this. Rahul, will need to invite his family, friends,
teachers, and Troop 176 members.
There are few families who have not turned in their
pack dues and membership fees. I need those members to do so
soon. The cost is for this year is $82.75. You can make a
check out to "Pack 268". The patches, awards, crafts, some
outdoor events, cost money. Fundraisers are a big help but
do not completely cover our costs. Which reminds me, we need
to have another fundraiser. I had proposed another garage
sell for the spring. Last year we made over $600. We can do
the same again this year. Need to set a weekend and do
it---anyone interested?
We need all scouts and leaders to submit a copy of
their medical forms to the pack for filing. These are
important for all campout and outdoor activities including
pack and den meetings.
Spring recruiting is approaching quickly. We need to
form tiger den for next school year. I was given a
recruiters packet from one of our leaders. I need to recruit
a pack member to head this up. It will mean creating flyers
(template included in packet just adding recruiting date,
time, and place), getting approvals from the council and
school district, and distributing them to the kindergarten
classes this spring. We will need a couple hundred flyers
printed and distribute them to three elementary schools in
Union City. I will mentor someone to do this.
Last, I need all families who have not done so to
send your Friends of Scouting pledges before the end of this
month--remember any amount will be appreciated and you can
also spread out the payments. Also, if employer has a gift
matching program, that gets added as well. We need to meet
our goal in order to receive the specials and discounts for
the rest of the year--we are just few hundred dollars away.
I want to thank those who have already given A BIG THANKS!!!
Your generosity will not go unrewarded. Ultimately, we keep
the scouting program alive and healthy for another
John Gillen, Cubmaster, Pack 268
Pack268, Wolf/Bear Den, This
Friday 4/18, No Meeting
Thanks for the great turnout for the Blue and Gold,
congratulations to all the Wolves and Bears for working on
your awards and achievements!
FYI, there will be no Wolf/Bear meeting this Friday
If you are interested, there will be a Pinewood Derby
Race at St. Anne's this Friday for Packs 263 and 174 at
Also, Saturday is the Canoe Day with Troop 110 at
Quarry Lakes in Fremont from 10a-1p if you are interested in
It's $5 per car for parking. (see
the attached flyer).
Finally, reminder for Mom & Son Camp, it's coming
up for 4/25-4/27.
Let me know if any of you are planning on
going...Brandon and mom will be going.
I think you can still register online at the
Otherwise those not going and still in town on 4/25,
let's have our next meeting NEXT Friday at Searles on 4/25
at 630p.
I will email the next meeting agenda sometime next
Yours in Scouting,
Roland Wong
Pack268 Wolf/Bear Den Leader
I just wanted to bring everyone up to date to the
what is happening with the pack graduation this coming June.
I called the East Bay Regional Parks to reserve a group camp
ground for graduation on the 14th and 15th of June (sorry,
could not include Friday). As expected, most all of the
desirable locations where taken from late May through June
including the Sunol site. I did managed to find a camp
ground that will be suitable for everyone and not so "wild".
The camp name is Puma Point and is located at the Anthony
Chabot Campground nestled within the RV and Family camping.
There are showers, flushing toliets, potable water, and
chemical type toilets in and around our site. We will be
close to the Ranger Station---+ or - . Lake Chabot is about
a mile walk and I believe can be seen from our camp ground.
The charge for our site is $33 more than last years but I
understand it is worth it---this includes 5 overnight
parking permits ($6 additional up to 10 max). I am planning
on taking a ride up to look at the site next Sunday. We have
to send in our payment by the 24th of this month or we will
loose the site. FYI: As of last Thursday, Garin Park and
Coyote Hills had sites open in June but there are no
flushing toilets or showers, only chemical toilets, potable
water, but the mosquitoes at Coyote Hills can be ruthless
especially in the evening and mourning. The upside is both
sites, Garin and Coyote, are close to home. I will need
feedback from everyone as soon as
John Gillen, Cubmaster, Pack 268
Last Friday, 4th, at 7PM the pack held a meeting at
Searles. We had a great turn out. Most of the the Tigers,
Bears, Wolves, and Webelos along with the leaders, parents,
two former pack members, and two leaders of Mission Peak
district attended the meeting. Most of our scouts came in
full uniform with hand book in hand----thank you guys, you
looked impressive with you red vests!!! The two leaders from
MP, John P. and Tim B. (MP District Executive), came to
present to us the Friends of Scouting. I want to thank them
both for taking time out of their busy days to give the
presentation. The Scouting program offers the boys a path to
becoming great leaders, adults, and citizens but cannot
exist without adult involvement and donations both time and
money. We have currently donated $930 and just $270 away
from our goal. There are some families still in decision. I
strongly encourage you to help the scouting program---I
donated too. Please give whatever you can. Remember, you can
give all at once or do it in installments. Thank you in
advance for your help.
After the presentation, the scouts reassembled to
their varies dens to finish up and or hand in completed
achievements to our Advancement Chair, Christine O. Arjun
G., a 2007 graduate of Pack 268 and member of Troop 176,
attended our meeting to help me with the Webelos. He has
expressed interest in becoming Pack 268's den chief and
currently being mentored by Glenn G. a former den chief for
Pack 273, a graduate of Pack 268, member of Troop 110, and
Eagle candidate. Like to congratulate Arjun G. for achieving
rank of First Class in boy scouts. He is just two ranks away
from Eagle---boys scouts highest rank. Allen C, who has also
filled in many times to help me with meetings is also a
graduate from Pack 268, is a member of Troop 110, and Eagle
candidate. These are just a few boys who have benefited from
scouting (Pack 268) and now giving back. Thank
Next Friday, 11th, is our Blue and Gold. I expect all
our scouts and their families to attend this once a year
ceremony. All the boys (and adults) will receive awards for
their hard work these past months. Keep in mind, some of our
quest will include members of the Union City government. Let
us show them how alive and well Pack 268
By the way, we did not get a chance to work on the
skits and songs, so I hope we will be ready by the Blue and
Reminder, next Saturday, 12th, is the District level
Pinewood Derby held at the Hobby Town USA in the Fremont
HUB. There is a cost of $3 to cover the cost of the patch.
The event will begin at 10AM and end whenever. Scouts should
be in uniform and have a working pinewood car. Adults and
silblings are also welcomed to
Reminder, this coming Thursday, 10th, is the cubscout
roundtable at the Gallaudet LDS church located at Gallaudet
and Walnut Ave in Fremont. The meeting will start at 7PM and
end around 9PM. All leaders and adults are encouraged to
attend, this is a great way to meet other leaders and gain
some scouting knowledge---you do not have attend the whole 2
Last, we need on file medical forms I and II from
every scout in the pack. This has not been enforced and
should be for obvious reasons. All registered adult leaders
should also have medical forms on file with the pack. Adults
40 and over, will need to renew every year---sorry BSA
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster, Pack 268
Important: Blue and Gold
Center Piece Painting
For those scouts who made a clay center piece for the
blue and gold banquet, I need you to come by and paint your
creation before the B&G. This should take no more than
an hour to do. You can drop by house on Sunday, April 6th,
between 1 to 2:30PM to paint, or next week after 7PM.
However, Wednesday is the last day since I will need time to
shellac the clay figures. FYI: The shellac is needed to add
strength to the clay.
One scout has already completed painting his center
piece. You can contact me either by email (
or phone number (see Members
area). Sorry for the late notice.
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Pack 268, Wolf/Bear Den3
Meeting #6, PACK Meeting, Friday April 4,
is the agenda for the next Wolf/Bear Den meeting to be
held this Friday at Searles.
Note: This will be a full Pack meeting
We will discuss Blue & Gold plans, Friends of
Scouting, work on skits/songs for the Blue &
Looks like it will be a busy month for
4/04 - Pack meeting.
4/10 - Cubscouts Roundtable.
4/11 - Blue & Gold, Part 1 (Part 2
4/18 - Pinewood Derby at St. Anne's with Packs 174
and 263.
4/19 - Canoes at Quarry Lakes with Troop
4/25 - Regular Den meeting at
Reminder to Vilma: please bring your camera so I can
download the Police Dept visit photos...
See you all this Friday.
Yours in Scouting
Roland Wong
Wolf/Bear Den Leader
Pack 268, Wolf/Bear Den
Meeting #5, THURSDAY March 27, Follow-Up, and MUD
Last Thursday we had our Wolves/Bears den meeting at
John Gillen's home along with the
Den 3 Scouts in attendance (100%, thank
Wolf - Aaron S.
Wolf - Brandon W.
Bear - Jonathan A.
Bear - Hector C.
We opened with a modified flag ceremony with Brandon
leading the Pledge of Allegiance and the Cub Scout Promise.
Then we had a snack of pizza, pizza, and
Next the boys worked on the clay centerpieces for the
Blue & Gold along with the Webelos...nice muddy FUN!
Speaking of mud... Photos
from the February Monster MUD Jam are attached, sorry it
took so long! Also apologies for the out of focus...I think
my camera was waterlogged/frozen (yet we were all
I was able to sign-off on some belt loops and pins
and handed over the paperwork to Christine. (Christine
please note also, Brandon has completed his Bobcat Trail as
Chess Belt Loop: Aaron, Brandon, Hector, Jonathan
Citizenship Belt Loop and Pin: Hector
Collecting Belt Loop: Brandon, Hector (pin also)
Communicating Belt Loop and Pin: Hector
Computers Belt Loop: Brandon, Hector (pin also)
Language and Culture Belt Loop: Aaron, Brandon, Hector
Baseball Belt Loop: Aaron (pin also), Brandon, Hector (pin
Basketball Belt Loop: Aaron (pin also), Brandon
Bicycling Belt Loop: Hector, Jonathan (pin
PLEASE NOTE: Next meeting will be FRIDAY, April 4 at
Searles, it's a PACK meeting.
The next meeting agenda will be sent in a separate
Yours in Scouting
Roland Wong
Wolf/Bear Den Leader
Important Reminders and
There are important reminders and changes that need
to be address as soon as possible. Next Friday, April 4th,
will be a regular pack meeting, 7PM, at Searles. I would
like to have everyone present for this meeting since we will
be working on finalizing the Blue and Gold, handing in
completed achievements to our Advancement Chair, Christine
O., completing any partials that scouts may have, working on
skits, and listening to a 15 minute presentation from
Friends Of Scouting. Remember, you can send in your FOS
pledge at any time or give it to the presenter. Our FOS goal
is $1200.00.
For those who do not know, the following Friday,
11th, will be the Blue and Gold, part 1. Part 2, the date to
be announced, will be the Arrow of Light ceremony for Rahul
M. It would be nice if everyone from the pack attended this
ceremony to support and congratulate Rahul for achieving
cubscouting's highest award. The ceremony should last no
more than a half hour and will be held at Searles in April.
Rahul will need to decide on a troop to bridge to by then
and will need to invite them to the
Regarding the Blue and Gold, we would like to begin
this event at 6:30PM which means setting up at 6PM if
possible. If the school will not allow us to set up at 6PM,
then the event will begin at 7PM. We have to be out of the
school by 9PM, preferably before. The Blue and Gold
committee has come up with a plan so that we will end at
8:30PM. It will be an accelerated program and require
everyone's cooperation. This Friday's meeting is a great
opportunity to discuss the details. Maybe prudent if we had
a rehearsal sometime before the 11th?
Also, the pack is in need of a another fundraiser.
Last year April the pack held two fundraisers, garage sale
and hot dog stand. The pack raised over $600 profit. With
prices going up now, people more than ever will be looking
for bargains and garage sales are a great resource. I have
things I would like to donate as I know most of you do as
well. I know there are other ideas of raising money but this
is one good one. We should start thinking about it and
planning it soon.
April 12th , there is Pinewood Derby event being held
at the Hobby Town USA in Fremont. This is open to all
cubscouts and Webelos and their families. The event will
begin at 10AM and end at 12 noon.
Reminder: Our top winners have been challenged to
race the top winners from Packs 263 and 174 on April 18th,
Friday, at St. Annes hall in Fremont. This includes the
scouts, parents, and siblings. However, this will only
happen if there is ample time since the hall is only
available for 3 hours and the fact that both packs our
having their Pinewood Derby that night. There is hope since
the number of scouts participating is much lower than last
year. By the way, this is not exclusive to our top winners
and their families but everyone who wants to attend can. I
will send out directions soon, the event will begin at
6:30PM. FYI: I will be there since our track will be used in
the event.
On the 19th, Saturday, Troop 110 is holding a canoe
day at Quarry Lakes in Fremont---10AM?. All scouts are
welcomed to participate. FYI: This will be the day I and
Bruce switch roles as leaders.
Last, a week from next Thursday, 10th, is cubscout
roundtable at 7PM at the LDS church on 810 Walnut (at
Gallaudet) in Fremont. This is a great opportunity to gain
knowledge and friends. The meeting is over at 9PM but you
are not obligated to stay the full time.
See you at Fridays meeting-
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster, Pack 268
Last Friday's
Last Friday, 28th, the Webelos den and Bears and
Wolves den joined forces at my house to make Mexican style
center pieces for the Blue and Gold. This satisfied a
requirement for the Webelos Craftmen badge. Unfortunately,
we ran out time to work on requirements for the Webelos
badge. The Bears and Wolves turned in completed belt loops
and completed some requirements towards their rank. It was a
very productive evening. Next meeting, we will paint the
center pieces, complete any partials on activity badges, and
if time permits, work on the Webelos badge. After the pack
meeting, we may have to continue the den meeting at my house
(the painting may have to be done at my house anyway).
Webelos scouts, please finish up the, Citizen, Engineer,
Communicator, and Craftmen badges by next meeting, 4th.
Also, you need to begin memorizing the boy scout oath and
law. This is in your handbook under the Webelos badge
chapter. Hope all of you had great Spring break. Please wear
your full uniforms and bring your handbooks. Those scouts
who come in full uniform and bring in their handbook ready
to go will receive an award. See you at the next
Yours In Scouting, John
Pack 268, Wolf/Bear Den
Meeting, THURSDAY March 27,
is the agenda for the next Wolf/Bear Den meeting to be
held this THURSDAY at John Gillen's home.This meeting will
focus on getting achievements and advancements signed
Please review the Belt Loop handouts I have
provided.You will need to have them signed-off and turned-in
by this Thursday's meeting to get them in time for the Blue
and Gold celebration. The theme for this month is "Litter to
Glitter" (Conservation and Recycling).
I will be bringing Pizza and Mr. Gillen will be
providing refreshments.
Reminder to Vilma: please bring your camera so I can
download the Police Dept visit photos...
See you all this THURSDAY.
Yours in Scouting
Roland Wong, Wolf/Bear Den Leader
Blue and Gold
Our Blue and Gold committee has been unable to
function this past month due to the flu. Therefore, the
date, April 4th, maybe changing to either the 11th or the
19th. Yes, the 19th is a Saturday. Troop 110 is holding a
canoe event that day at Quarry Lakes. The idea is we would
join the troop while holding the B&G event. After the
B&G, the Webelos scouts will be able to canoe with an
adult. The only requirement is you must know how to swim. I
am not sure if the cubscouts are allowed to be in the canoe
I think the Webelos are only allowed.
IF the B&G is rescheduled, the 4th will be a
regular pack meeting. I have a FOS representative coming
that day to present the Friends of Scouting campaign to our
pack. I sent out information and pledge card to each pack
family by US mail in the beginning of this month. I hope all
of you have had a chance to review and think about it. You
may send in your pledge now or wait to give it to the
presenter on the 4th. I need all of our pack families to
attend the 4th. Remember, all the money goes to benefit the
scouting programs in the Bay Area. Any amount you pledge is
greatly appreciated and if we meet our goal of $1200, we
will receive discounts to summer camp and other activities
for this year.
To all the dens leaders, you will need to submit to
our advancement chair, Christine O., any completed badges,
pin, belt loops, arrow points, etc by the end of this month.
You may bring it by this Thursday to my house or give it to
Christine directly.
Hope all are having a great Easter weekend and
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Webelos Den Meeting Change
This Week
Due to the Spring Break this week, the den meeting
scheduled for this coming Friday, 28th, is being changed to
Thursday, 27th. The meeting place will be at my house,
7-9:30 PM. We will work on the Webelos Badge requirements
and also use the time to finish up any activity badges. The
Blue and Gold banquet is approaching quickly and I would be
nice if all our Webelos scouts receive at least one or two
activity badges and or Webelos Badge. I need all scouts to
please wear your FULL uniform and BRING your handbook.
Review the Webelos Badge requirements in your hand book,
pages 48 thru 59. It would be nice if working memorizing the
Boy Scout Oath and Law.
Scouts: You can work on activity badges requirements
at home but the requirements can only be signed off by me or
another trained leader. I do encourage you do work a head of
time. You may also contact me to make an appointment to have
your requirements signed off outside of the den meetings.
However, I do require a 24 hour notice.
A few scouts, Mike D. and Micheal C. have not been
attending meetings in the past few weeks. You both are
falling behind and need to catch up with the den. Please try
to attend the this week's meeting.
Hope all of you had a great Easter weekend and
enjoying the long break. See you on
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Pack 268, Wolf/Bear Den
Meeting #4, March 21,
Greetings fellow Scouters
We had our fourth Wolf/Bear Den meeting Friday 3/21
at Searles. Here's a brief summary of how it
Scouts in attendance:
Wolf - Aaron S.
Wolf - Brandon W.
Bear - Jonathan A.
After the opening flag ceremony and Pledge of
Allegiance with the Webelos and announcements from Mr.
Gillen, we started our activities geared towards March's
theme of "Litter to Glitter".
First activity was to read and discuss the "Outdoor
Code" (Bears) and the importance of following it to
conserve/preserve the natural environment. This goes along
with the "Leave No Trace" pledge from last
Next we played the quiz game "Recycle Run" and had
some fun answering the questions about the importance of
recycling, Earth Day, and the U.S. government's
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Then we discussed the MyPyramid Plan of Nutrition
(Wolf Achievement 8a). We talked about the importance of
having a healthy balanced diet, and not too much candy,
chips, and sugary drinks, and being more active. You can
check it out yourself at
Finally, the scouts learned how to play chess to meet
their requirements for the Chess Belt
Currently the scouts are working on the following
Belt Loops (parents, please remember to sign off on them
before turning them in:
Basketball, Baseball, Bicycling, Chess (done today),
Citizenship, Collecting, Communicating, Computers,
Heritages, Language and Culture, Wildlife
Thank you to Leonard and Winfred for help supervising
and for bringing in snacks and
I do encourage all the parents to sign-off items as
Akela in the books before bringing them in for me to sign will speed things up for
PLEASE NOTE: Next meeting will be THURSDAY, March 27
at John Gillen's house. (Searles is closed for the
The next meeting agenda will be sent in a separate
Yours in Scouting
Roland Wong
Wolf/Bear Den Leader
Pack 268, Wolf/Bear Den
Meeting, Friday March 21,
Greetings fellow Scouters,
is the agenda for the next Wolf/Bear Den meeting to
be held this Friday at Searles at 630pm.
This meeting will focus on getting achievements and
advancements signed off as well as coming up with a skit for
the Blue and Gold.
(John, can you help out and point me in the right
direction for some good ideas???)
The theme for this month is "Litter to Glitter"
(Conservation and Recycling).
Monica and Winfred, if there are any snacks left from
last week, let me know and please bring them, I will also
bring some myself.
Reminder to Vilma, please bring your camera so I can
download the Police Dept visit photos...
See you all this Friday.
Yours in Scouting
Roland Wong
Wolf/Bear Den Leader
Pack 268, Wolf/Bear Den
Meeting #3, March 14,
We had our third Wolf/Bear Den meeting last Friday
3/14 at Searles. Here's a brief summary of how it
Scouts in attendance:
Wolf - Aaron S.
Wolf - Brandon W.
Bear - Hector C.
After the opening ceremony with the Webelos and
announcements from Mr. Gillen, we started our activities
geared towards March's theme of "Litter to
First activity was to recite the "Leave No Trace"
pledge and talk about the importance of following it while
in the outdoors, while on hikes, etc.
Next we discussed the recent trip to the Tri-CED
recycling facility and the importance of recycling, as well
as all the cool stuff we saw there (Bear Achievement 6c). We
also talked about the visit to the Union City Police
Department, and each scout wrote a thank you letter to
Officer Wu and Leon. (Bear Achievement
Finally, the scouts worked on creating their soda
bottle animals, ...we had some wild looking
Thank you to Monica and Winfred for bringing in
snacks and refreshments. Also, thank you to Monica for
bringing in extra materials for the soda bottle animals.
Thanks to Aaron's dad Winfred for helping to supervise the
boys this time around. (Still looking for an assistant den
I did have some time to sign off achievements in some
of the books. I do encourage all the parents to sign-off
items as Akela in the books before bringing them in for me
to sign will speed things up for everyone. PLEASE
NOTE: Have all Belt Loop achievements signed off by this
Friday, so we can turn them in, in time to get the awards at
the Blue and Gold Banquet.
Next meeting will be Friday March 21 at Searles.
Jonathan's dad, Leonard, will be bringing in peanut butter
sandwiches. I will bring some in some drinks. We will also
need to start working on our den's skit for the Blue and
Gold banquet.
Yours in Scouting
Roland Wong
Wolf/Bear Den Leader
Reminder, Den Meetings this
Friday, March 21
This Friday, 21st, at Searles, 7PM, we will have a
Webelos den meeting. We will work on five requirements
(Please be prepared to work on 1,4,5,12, and 16) for the
Communicator Activity badge. However, seven requirements are
needed to finish the badge. For those who are ambitious and
want to complete the Communicator badge at the den meeting
are welcome to pick and work on two other requirements prior
to the meeting. I hope all the Webelos have or will have
finished the Engineer badge by next den meeting---one
Webelos scout has finished it. You may come early and work
on the Engineer badge but the meeting will be focusing on
the next badge, Communicator. You can also call me for an
appointment during the week to meet with me to sign off
requirments, only if you are ready to have me sign off
requirements. Please remember, only the Webelos den leader
or cubmaster or assistant cubmaster, or den chief can sign
you off on the requirements. For our game, we will be
working on requirement #1.
Our last meeting, held on Friday, 14th, at Searles
was a great success. We decided at the last minute to work
on the Engineer badge instead of the Showman badge. However,
the scouts are still going to perform at the Blue and Gold
but instead of doing a play will do several short skits
which they had practiced on last meeting. I want to thank
all the parents who came and helped the scouts at the
meeting---really had a lot of fun building those bridges!!!
I especially want to thank Christine O. and Jordon O. for
bringing the snacks. For the next meeting, will the Denney
Family bring in a snack?
Scouts, as always, you must come to the den meetings
in full uniform and handbook in hand, ready to have fun and
learn. We will also update the advancement roster at the
meeting---remember, our advancement chair, Christine O.,
needs this information to pick up the awards prior to the
Blue & Gold. I need all our Webelos scouts to be
participating at the meetings. I do understand the scouts
have other interests and commitments or become ill and will
not be able to make a meeting. For those who have not been
meeting for more than one meeting will need to attend this
one to keep from getting further behind. I do not want to
any scout left behind--we are team and family. Last, the
Blue and Gold banquet is less than three weeks away. See you
this Friday--
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
We will still have the Webelos den meeting this
Friday, 7PM, at Searles. We will work on skit/play (short)
for the Blue and Gold, update roster, game, refreshments and
adjourn. As always, please scouts, wear your full uniform
and bring your handbook. We only have three weeks left
before the Blue and Gold---not a whole lot of time. Also, if
any scouts have been working on activity badges over the
week[s] and have completed requirements, please
bring your work to show--this also includes belt
loop/academic pins. Some of you have already completed
requirements for many of the activity badges (even rank
patch) and don't know it. This meeting will be a good
opportunity to find out what you have already done. See you
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
I want to thank everyone in making the past meetings
and activities possible. Without your help and dedication
these events can not happen. I
have attached the Cubmasters minutes from the past three
I want to remind you that next Friday, 14th, the
school will be opened for Den Meetings. I need to have the
Webelos meet, (7PM) to work on the Blue and Gold play/skit
for their Showman badge and to update the achievement roster
it is well over due and the pack's advancement chair will
need this information to pick up patches for the Blue and
Gold in April. As always, please wear your full uniform,
bring your handbooks, and be ready to do some fun
work---really fun. Next Saturday, 15th, an outdoor activity
held at the BSA Council Headquarters in San Leandro. Tinella
C. our committee chair, will coordinate this event. Probably
will be meeting at Searles before go.
The Webelos and cubscouts who participated in the
Union City Police Department Tour, Flag Ceremony Class, and
BB Gun Target Shooting, will receive credit for their
participation. FYI: For the BB Gun, the Webelos will receive
a BB Gun Belt Loop.
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Police Station
Just a friendly reminder of our visit tomorrow,
Friday, March 7, 2008 to the Union City Police
As I mentioned at the den meetings last Friday the
tour starts promptly at 5:30pm so be there by 5:15pm. At
least one parent (acting guardian) is required to accompany
each scout or sibling of scout. Per authority, no other
guest are approved due to tour location and
We look forward to a great Pack
Tinella Coats
Committee Chair
P.S. Attention Pack 268 Webelos Scouts, don't forget
the 7:00pm den meeting at Bruce Chan's house following the
tour. Also, the agenda for the den meeting is a
Citizenship 3/7/08
Group Lesson: (pg
144-145) #2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Activity: #9 (How to
assist law enforcement), #10 (Visit the Police Station)
Snack: Vilma will bring
cake/ice cream to celebrate Ricardo's birthday
Game: Wall Climbing (in
the Chan's backyard)
Pack 268, Wolf/Bear Den
Meeting #2, Feb 29, Follow-Up
Greetings fellow Scouters,
We had our second Wolf/Bear Den meeting last Friday
2/29 at Searles. Attached is a copy of the meeting
agenda in pdf format. Here's a brief summary of how it
Scouts in attendance:
Wolf - Aaron S.
Wolf - Brandon W.
Bear - Hector C.
The Flag Ceremony was led by Aaron, and the flags
were carried by Hector and Brandon. After the opening
ceremony with the Webelos and announcements from Mr. Gillen,
we started our activities geared towards February's theme of
"Chinese New Year".
First activity was the Chinese Zodiac Word Search
puzzle during which we discussed the Pledge of Allegiance
(Wolf Achievement 2a), the CubScout Promise, the CubScout
Law, and the CubScout Motto.
Next the boys had fun with the Chopstick Challenge
(Bear Achievement 15b). (Cotton balls turned out to be too
easy to pick up, so to make thing interesting I challenged
them to pick up marbles instead...which they quickly
Finally, the boys made their own jump ropes
(including "whipping" the ends of the rope with tape). (Bear
Achievement 22a). They then had a jump rope contest to see
how long they could jump rope without stopping. I think
Aaron won this one. However, boys being boys, jump-rope
quickly turned into tug-of-war, and somehow they came up
with jump rope basketball (bundling up the jump-rope into a
ball and shooting some hoops...)
I did have some time to sign off achievements in some
of the books. I do encourage all the parents to sign-off
items as Akela in the books before bringing them in for me
to sign will speed things up for everyone. Also,
with the Blue and Gold coming up, please have as much done
as possible in the books in the next couple of weeks to make
progress towards ranks.
We closed out the meeting with some great trail mix
put together by the Webelos and parents. I believe the
closing ceremony was led by Rahul, and flags were carried by
Aaron and Hector.
Thanks to Aaron's dad Winfred for helping to
supervise the boys this time around. (Still looking for an
assistant den leader....)
PLEASE NOTE: There will be no meeting this coming
Friday, March 7. However we will be attending the Union City
Police Dept tour at 5:15pm on Friday (full uniforms please,
and meet at the police dept parking lot at 515p). The police
dept. shares a parking lot with the library. The library's
address is 34007 Alvarado Niles Rd. You need to enter from
Royal Ann.
Next meeting will be Friday March 14 at
Searles. Agenda will emailed prior to the meeting. Theme
for March is "Litter to Glitter" Recycling and Conservation.
We will also need to start working on our den's skit for the
Blue and Gold banquet.
Yours in Scouting
Roland Wong
Wolf/Bear Den Leader
Den Meeting this Friday and
other Important Information---please
There is going to be a Webelos
Den Meeting this Friday, 29th, Searles, 7PM. Please
bring your handbook, be in full uniform, and ready to work
on the play for the Blue and Gold in April. We will have a
game and refreshments afterwards.
Remember, there is a scheduled hike this Saturday,
Flag Hill, in Sunol. This is a Trail Trekker Hike, which
means you will be awarded a special patch for participating.
The hike is 3.5 miles long. We will meet at Searles, 9AM and
leave a 9:30AM. Please bring water, sack lunch, trail snack,
wear hiking shoes, long pants, long shirt under your pack
tee shirt, bring a jacket, and your scout cap. We will
return approximately 2PM.
IMPORTANT: All pack members, when attending the camp
outs being sponsored by the BSA, you will need to fill out a
class I and II medical form signed by a physician (You
can obtained these forms online from the council
website) for each scout and bring a copy of it with you
to the camping event. Eventually, we will need to have all
the scouts in the pack have a completed medical form filed
with the pack. This form is required for all camp
See you at the meeting-
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Minutes and Reminders----all
Last Friday, Pack 268 held another successful
Pinewood Derby at Searles Elementary School. Sixteen
scouts and their families attended and participated in one
of the most important events of Cubscouting, "The Pinewood
Derby". All sixteen scouts competed, had fun, and displayed
good sportsmanship---thank you!!! Each scout was awarded a
participation patch, five scouts won a special award for the
Car Show event, and three scouts were awarded 1st, 2nd, and
3rd for the official BSA race. (Murad and Roland, I will
need the winner's information from you. Please send it to me
as soon as possible, thank you!) I want to thank all who
attended and supported this positive and wonderful event. A
special KUDOS to those who coordinated and contributed to
make this event become a reality. At some point, the parents
and leaders will need to discuss the pros and cons of this
event, construct a lessen learned list in hopes of making
next year's event an even better experience. I have a
proposal for next's year Pinewood Derby that I think will be
embraced by all.
Regarding Dens, as most of you know, the Tiger Den
has been formed with it's first meeting this coming Friday,
22nd, being held at Allen T's house. If possible, I need
Roland W, our newly trained Cubscout Den Leader, to have a
den meeting for the Wolves and Bears this week. For the
Webelos, I want to have a Den meeting this Friday to be held
at Searles, 7PM-Mike Denney (if you are available), Bruce
Chan (if you are available) and myself will be the attending
leaders. The meeting will be 1 1/2 hours long and all scouts
must be in full uniform, bring their handbooks, and bring
any completed work from requirements to show, this includes
belt loops and activity pins. At the meeting, we will be
focusing on advancements, updating the advancement roster,
have a game, refreshments. I have constructed the Den's
"First Aid kits", consisting of varies den leader how to
books and need to begin using them. I handed out the Wolves
First Aid kit to Roland, the Tigers have theirs, and I have
the Webelos' and Bears. Once the den meetings are fully
operational, the pack meetings will be held either once a
month or every other month depending on how successful the
den's are on advancements and weekend activities. We have
not been very successful on achievements and are behind.
This is due in part because one person has been acting
leader for all the den's----a BIG reason we need to form
Dens and have Den meetings. The advancements need to be fun,
creative, and interesting.
At some point, we will need to update the pack
advancement roster (preferably at each den meeting) before
the Blue and Gold event. Jennifer O, the packs Advancement
Chair, will need this information to collect the patches,
pins, badges, belt loops, so on, to be handed at the Blue
and Gold.
I was told Mikey D. has completed his Bear rank. He
will need to bring his hand book to be reviewed and signed
off by a den leader (non-relative).
For those who have not done so, please send in
your check for the registration and dues for 2008,
$82.75. Make checks payable to Pack 268. IF your son has
proceeds from the Popcorn fundraiser, you can use the monies
for the registration and dues. I need to have Mike D to
resend me the spreadsheet regarding the popcorn sales.
Next weekend, 23rd, there is a scheduled bowling
event being held at Mowry Lanes. Those scouts who
participate will be awarded the Bowling Belt Loop. Allen T
is coordinating this event. Allen please remind everyone
about this event, and thank you, Allen for setting this
There is a parent meeting either on the 23rd or
24th of this month to focus on the Blue and Gold
planning. Tinella C., our committee chair, is
coordinating this meeting. Tinella please remind everyone
about the meeting---thank you!!!
There is a scheduled hike on March 1st. This is a
trial trekker hike, Flag Hill, 3.5 miles long, located in
Sunol Regional Wilderness. The trail begins with a
challenging incline at start and gradual decline at the end.
This hike is tailored for our more experienced scouts but
all scouts and their families are welcomed for the challenge
and experience. We will have lunch at the half way point and
return around 2PM. We will meet at Searles at 9AM and
carpool to the hike (9:30AM). I will need to send in a
permit to council, which requires a head count, two deep
leadership, drivers license and insurance information. I
will be soliciting this information at the parents meeting.
Attention to all our Webelos scouts: participating in this
hike can satisfy some of the requirements for your Forester,
Geologist and Naturalist badges.
See the Webelos this Friday-
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Centennial Quality Unit
I just wanted to inform you Pack 268 was awarded the
Centennial Quality Unit Award for 2007!!! We were one of the
first units to submit the application to council. Many
thanks to you for making Pack 268 a quality unit. As part of
the award, we are given a ribbon to proudly hang on our pack
flag as well as a patch for each scout and leader. Here's
looking forward to 2008!!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Clear up the term "First Aid
As mentioned in the minutes regarding the term "First
Aid Kits", this is not referring to the medical realm but
rather aiding the cubscout and Webelos leaders in conducting
productive den meetings. The kits contain how to books
covering all aspects of scouting, games, interactive
activities, properly commencing ceremonies, field trip
ideas, skits, yells, songs, and so on. UOS last January
mentioned and planted the "seed" on this concept with the
Scout Shop in San Leandro now selling these kits. I decided
to construct them for our needs instead of using theirs
since these kits had a lot of "promotional" items mixed in
that I did not want or pay for.
Regarding the parent meeting, if the word is no
meeting this weekend, I propose to have one on this Friday
after the Webelos meeting, 8:30PM. The parent meeting is
vital to planning the next months activities. The Blue and
Gold committee should have a plan in place and begin
delegating the work---we have a month and half to complete
this. There is a hike next month that requires two deep
leadership and a tour permit. The permit requires insurance
information from those participating, driving scouts to and
from the hike, and signatures from the two leaders
conducting the hike--I will be one of the leaders. The
completed permit is sent to council minimum one week prior
to the hike. We will need one more activity scheduled for
next month. As a suggestion, we have not visited a police or
fire station, would be nice if we could this. Any takers?
Keep the dialogue moving!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Well most of you know by now our Pinewood Derby event
will be held at Searles on Friday, 7PM. All team members and
their crew are expected to arrive at 6PM to begin set up.
For those not assigned a team, if you can, please drop by to
help. The more help we get the faster we can begin the
event. If we are ready before 7PM, we should start early.
From reading the emails from our teams, the event should be
very successful---keep the dialogue
Just reminding those scouts who are still working on
their cars, I will make my garage available after 6PM till
Thursday---please call before you come. For those who have
completed their car, if not done so, it would be advisable
to bring in your car for pre-inspection and weighing. We
will be very limited on the day of the race to do repairs,
only minor adjustments to weight and wheels. I still have
one scout, Carlos J, who has not painted his "Car" on the
pinewood derby track storage box---please do this before the
race event. By the way, don't throw away you PWD kit boxes,
recycle them. They can be used to display your car as well
as protect the wheels by cutting slots for the wheels so
that the weight of the car will rest on the body rather than
on the wheels.
I will be awarding the Artist belt loop and activity
pins after the PWD race. If there are any scouts who have
completed their requirements, please inform me and be ready
for questions---still time.
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
REMINDER: Visit to the
Tri-CED Recycling Facility This
We have graciously been invited to tour the Tri-CED
recycling plant in Union City courtesy of Richard Valle City
Council member and CEO of Tri-CED.
I've always wondered what happens to the stuff we put
in our grey recyclin bins, and now is our chance to find out
what happens to all the bottles cans, paper and such we
attempt to recycle. How much of what we actually put in
there comes back in some other form.
The tour is scheduled for Saturday February 9th. at
10am. We will meet a Searle's at 9:30am and caravan over to
33377 Western Ave., Union City arriving there at 9:45. Due
to the nature of the tour, industrial zone, big machines
etc., we must have 1 adult per child. The tour should last
about an hour with a grand finale allowing the boys to get
their hands a little dirt in a surprise squiggly/yucky
Pinewood Derby: Lubricant
for Wheels and Wheels
I need to mentioned to our PWD racing participants,
the BSA has rules on what lubricants you may use for the
official as well as the unoffical. You may only use dry
lubricants such as graphite with molybdenum. As far as the
BSA rules for wheels, you may use only the wheels that came
with the kits. However, you can prepare the wheels by
polishing the bore (the area where wheel spins on the axle),
smoothing the tread area of the wheel, and pre-lubrication
of the wheel, tapering the wheel hub (the back part of the
wheel that touches the body of the car), polishing the
inside rim of the wheel, removing spurs on wheel and axle,
and polishing the axles. These are examples of what is
allowed. What you can not do is reshape the tread area of
the wheel such as create a point or hollow out or use one
piece axles or bearings or shims.
For those who want to, I will make my garage
available this Friday (after the meeting) and Sunday (1PM to
4PM). By the way, there will be a meeting on Friday,
Searles, 7PM. The meeting, however, will be 1 hour long to
focus on the PWD race event. Afterwards, for those who want
to, can use my garage to work (till 10PM) on the PWD cars
and or paint the "Car" on the PWD track storage box Please
have your scouts wear clothes they do not care about---no
uniforms. Any scouts who have completed requirements bring
your work to the meeting and be organized and ready to
answer questions because time will be short. I am planning
on handing out arrow points, belt loops, and activities pins
along with some other past awards at the PWD race event.
This will be good opportunity to update the advancement
roster. The Bobcat and rank patches will be awarded at the B
& G event.
Last, the Tiger Cubs are forming their den and
beginning to have den meetings. It would be nice if the
Wolves, Bears, and Webelos also began forming their dens.
This requires parent involvement.
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Pinewood Derby Race
Information, Very Important
Last Friday and Saturday, 1st and 2nd, many scouts
and their parents took advantage of using my garage to work
on their cars and paint their "Car" on the pack's pinewood
derby track storage box. I want to thank all who attended,
those who gave of their time to help, and those scouts who
painted their cars on the PWD storage box---I have 3 scouts
left, Quentin R., Hudson C., and Carlos J., who have not
painted their "car" design and would like them to do so
before the race. I want to give a special thanks to Gordon
S., our newest scout, for bringing in homemade treats to
share with the scouts on Saturday. Next Friday, 8th, is a
scheduled pack meeting. However, I want to solicit your
opinion as to how we should use the time since the race is
less than 2 weeks away (15th): (FYI: The parent meeting will
focus primarily on the Pinewood Derby Race and Blue and Gold
and next Saturday, 9th, is the recycling
A. Have a regular pack meeting (Searles). which
consists of parent meeting, work on achievements, have a
game, refreshments and adjourn for the evening (9:30PM).
Work on Pinewood cars on Sunday, 10th, at my house. (Time to
be determined)
B. Have a short pack meeting (Searles), 1 hour long,
work on achievements and parent meeting, adjourn for the
evening, and for those who wish to, can either continue with
parent meeting or come to my garage to work on PW cars till
10PM. I will open my garage to work on cars on Sunday, 10th
(Time to be determined)
C. No pack meeting, instead work on PW cars from 6PM
to 10PM on Friday, 8th, AND if needed, work on cars on
Sunday (Time to be Determined). Have parent meeting on
Sunday, 10th (Early afternoon, time and place to be
I need response from all parents as to choice above
as soon as possible. Thank you!!
So far, some of our parents have committed to helping
the race event---I need more help. Their are many positions
open and YOUR help is always appreciated. In addition to
handing out the PWD awards after the race, I am debating to
hand some past advancement awards as well---time will be the
deciding vote. We need race marshals, score keepers, judges,
help with decorations, dinner, and awards. I will be
bringing the track, scale, and filling in where ever I am
needed. We want to make this a very memorable evening for
the boys and everyone involved. Please help---one person
cannot do it all. If all pitch in and help as one family,
the work will be completed on time and be a
One more thing, I want to remind all our scouts and
parents regarding the BSA PWD kits. For the official scout
race, the cars must be made from the BSA kits I handed out
to each scout. Please use ONLY the parts that came with the
kits: pinewood block, axles, and wheels---nothing else--the
only exception is the weights, body accessories, and paint.
The car: lengths must not be greater than 7 inches, or wider
than 2 1/2 inches, or heavier than 5 oz (155.53 grams).
There are no BSA height retractions only that the car must
be able to past through the track's electronic finish line
arch (7 inch max in height). For the unofficial race, you
can use any PWD wheels, axles, and wood. However, please do
not make the cars longer than 7 inches, wider than 2 1/2
inches, no higher than 7 inches, or heavier than 5
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
This Friday, 1st, (6PM to 10PM) and Saturday, 2nd,
(1PM to 4PM) I will be opening my garage to those who need
to work on their pinewood derby cars. I will also be asking
those scouts who have not done so to add their "Car" design
to the pack's pinewood derby track storage box, if the space
and time to do so is favorable. All scouts, please do not
wear your blue uniforms as they may get damaged---wear
clothes you do not care about. Please remember to bring your
entire car kits and any accessories and weights you will be
putting on your car. I will have the scale available for
those who are ready to have their cars weighed. For those
who do not have weights, I will have some to use. We will
not be painting the PW cars at this time, only designing,
cutting, sanding, and weighing the cars. I want you, scouts,
to paint your car at home.
Parents and leaders, we need to plan the race for the
15th. There is a lot to do in a short period of time and
need all available help from YOU. Two of my leaders have
step forward to help but I need more. I will be asking for
your services. We have not had a parent meeting in a long
time and need to have one again. Tinella, lets plan on one
early next week, time and place to be
One leader, Allen T., from the pack has step forward
to coordinate the bowling event (time and place TBA)---thank
you, Allen!! It has been determined that for each scout who
participates will achieve the bowling belt loop. The
activity pin requires a little more
For those scouts who are still working on the Artist
belt loop/activity pin, if you have completed the
requirements, please bring your work to the meeting this
Friday or Saturday. I will look it over and sign you off at
the next meeting, February 8th.
Feburay, 9th, the pack will attend a recycling plant
in Union City. Murad K. is coordinating this and thank him
for putting this event together. For those who participate,
this event will satisfied some of the requirements for the
conservation patch.
Last, our Tiger cub leaders, Allen T. and Murad K,
are forming a den and will be aggressively looking for more
membership in the coming months and begin having den
meetings. Their den # will 1. For our wolf, Bear, and
Webelos, will need to form dens as well and be aggressive in
increasing membership. Den meetings are a proven tool to
help boys in their age group to accel faster than they would
at the pack meetings, where there are multiple ages to
contend with.
See you on Friday or Saturday
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Cubmaster Minutes and
Last Friday, 25th, the pack held it's meeting in my
garage to focus on the Pinewood kits. The meeting began at
6:30PM with an incredible turn out: 13 scouts, 2 boys
visiting, 2 siblings, with the balance being enthusiastic
parents. The attending scouts, with their adult partners,
worked on their pinewood cars; some for the very first time
and others continuing where they left off. One of the
visiting boys, Jordan, 1st grader from Easton Elementary,
our newest member now, was given his PW car kit that night.
With the help of his dad and mom, he designed, cut, and
sanded his car that night. Jordan's dad, Gary, also
commanded the scroll saw to help our other scouts cut their
cars---many thanks to Gary!! Let's all welcome Jordan and
his family to the pack!!! I want to extend many thanks to
Murad K. and Ali K. for making sandwiches and sharing them
with the pack. Thank you both!! I am looking for another
family to bring refreshments at the next pack meeting which
will be Feburary 8th, Friday, and held at Searles. Do not
want to forget, Max and Rahul, from Pack 110, attended our
meeting and donated refreshments for the meeting. Thank you
both as well!!!
The next opportunity to work on the PW cars will
be Friday and Saturday, Feb 1st and 2nd, in my garage.
For those who wish to attend Friday, I will open my doors at
6:30PM and close at 10PM. You will have the opportunity to
design, cut, sand, and weight your cars at that time.
Saturday will be a carbon copy of Friday, only the doors
will open at 1PM and close at 4PM.
For those scouts who have not added their "Car"
design to the pack's PW derby track storage box will have
the opportunity to do so this coming Friday and Saturday. I
sincerely apologize for those who came last Friday to do
this but could not due to the unforeseen circumstances.
Hopefully, this coming weekend will be more favorable.
Please, all scouts who do attend either Friday or Saturday,
please wear your pack tee shirts, do not wear the blue
uniform. Thank you!!!
Also, if there are Webelos (and cubsouts) who have
completed requirements for Activity pins/Belt loops and or a
badge, I will be happy to look it over. One of our Webelos,
Quentin, who attended last Friday's meeting completed some
requirements but I failed to give my complete attention to
focus on his work---I am sorry. I was overwhelmed by the
attendance at the meeting. However, I do anticipate the
attendance to be more manageable on Friday and Saturday. I
do not want my scouts to think I do not care about their
progress or accomplishments, I do care. This is one of the
reasons I need more trained leaders in the pack to help with
the load. I am also looking into acquiring a den chief for
the pack. A den chief is a boy scout who is a fully BSA
trained leader with the willingness to help the cubmaster
and or den leaders with the meetings. The den chief is a
valuable resource for the pack.
Which brings me to the University of Scouting held
last Saturday, 26th. The pack now has four newly trained
leaders, Roland W., Christine O., Murad K., and Allen T.
All, including yours truly, attended UOS and enjoyed it
immensely. I want to congratulate them for taking time out
of their busy day to attend and get trained---thank you
all!!! Most of the our newest leaders are looking forward to
next year's UOS. The pack still has some registered parents
who need to be trained. There will be other opportunities in
the coming months for training so please keep this in mind.
90% of our registered parents must be trained by the end of
the year. For the new leaders, remember to keep your
receipts, the pack will reimburse you for your training
During my attendance at UOS, I was informed there are
more boys who are interested in joining our fine pack. So,
naturally I gave out my contact information; don't be
surprised if we grow exponentially this year. We are in need
of 1st graders. These are the boys who will keep the pack
going. Please keep spreading the word about scouting, I
can't do it alone. Roland W. just informed me of what his
son, Brandon, did at his class last week. He spread the news
about scouting by bringing in his PW car to show.
Apparently, he had sparked a lot of interest in scouting.
Way to go Brandon!!!
Last, I need a parent or parents to coordinate a
bowling event on a Saturday some time next month. Murad K.
has been coordinating the recycling event---thank you,
Murad. Still waiting on a date and time though. Also, next
month, weather permitting, we will have our first Trail
Trekker Hike, Flag Hill. This is somewhat of a challenging
hike and is recommended for our older experienced
Remember our next pack meeting will be on Friday,
February 8th, 6:30PM, at Searles multipurpose room. All
scouts must wear their full uniform and bring in their hand
books. I will bring the scale to weight the PW cars but
there will no wood working done on school premises. We can
do some minor surgery but no cutting, painting, or sanding.
We may be able to install the wheels, align the wheels, and
glue the axles in place.
Next Saturday, I understand is the Monster Truck
event being coordinated by Roland W. Thank you Roland for
coordinating this. Take many pictures to share with the
See you next week-
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Cub Scout and Webelos Summer
Camp Information
The cubscout and Webelos summer camp information and
registration is approaching for 2008. I have attached the
information for your review (see
council cub scout camping webpage). Please keep in mind,
these are week long, day only or camping only, events. These
events are awesome opportunities for parents, leaders,
cubscouts and Webelos to have fun, make friends, learn new
games, do activities, earn achievements towards rank, learn
how to shoot a BB gun and an arrow, compete with other dens,
experience camping, etc etc. These camps are a lot of fun
and self rewarding. I hope all of our scouts in the pack
will be able to participate. Please keep close attention to
the, rules of leader/parent to scout ratios, due dates for
registration and when camp is available. For every 8 boys
who attend camp, the first two leader's registration fees
are waived. Also, if your scout has money in his account, he
can use it towards registration. AND if our pack reaches or
exceeds it's goal ($1200) for Friends of Scouting, we will
get an additional discount on our registration for summer
camp. And last, as of part of the summer requirements for
the pack, could receive a Summer Time Award for attending
camps, which we have not received in 3
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Pinewood Derby Kit Building
Day Change
Due to low interest for this Saturday to work on the
Pinewood Derby kits, it has been suggested instead to have
our regularly scheduled pack meeting on the 25th at Searles
to work on the PWD kits that evening at my house (garage).
The time will be 6 to 10 PM. The meeting will open and close
with a regular flag ceremony. If there are any boys who have
completed requirements (especially our Webelos), bring them
with you to show, however, I cannot guarantee I will be able
to spend time reviewing them but I will make an effort.
Regarding building the kits, we will use the time to cut,
sand, and weigh the cars only. Important: If your car will
include accessories, please bring them, as this will add
weight to the car. I would like all of our scouts to please
have their design drawn on the pinewood block by the
beginning of the meeting on the 25th. Also, scouts, the
uniform will be the pack tee shirt, blue jeans, and your
hat, please do not wear the blue uniforms. Refreshments will
be provided by some of our parents. One last item for the
PWD cars, I need each scout to think of a name for their
In addition to the cars, I will be asking those
scouts who did not get a chance to add their "car" to the
pack's PWD track storage box to do so at that time. This
involves using paints, so I ask that those scouts please
wear clothes they do not care about. The scouts I have who
have not added their car design are Quentin R, Stanley T,
Aaron S., Devadath N, Hudson C., Jordan O, and Carlos J,. It
would be nice if these scouts could add their "car" before
the PWD race on the 15th.
Last, we will be collecting the recharter and pack
dues this Friday. Three families have paid already, Stanley
T., Roland W, and Ali K.. The total for both recharter and
dues is $82.75, payable either by check (Pack 268), or cash
or if your scout has money earned from the popcorn proceeds,
he can use that money as well. Our treasurer, Mike Denney,
will be attending this Friday and collecting. Thank you for
your help.
I still have a few scouts left who have not
reimbursed me for the rockets last October. Those scouts are
Jordan O. $5, and Juan and Hector C. $14. I would like to
finalize this by our next meeting.
Important Note: Four scouts participated on Saturday
to begin building their cars. The process of cutting took
longer than anticipated. Depending how many attend the
meeting and in what stage their car is in and or how complex
the design is, will determine if the 4 hours given will be
enough time to cover the entire meeting agenda and those who
need the help. If you have the means to cut the blocks,
please do so before the meeting. This will free up time for
those who do not have the means.
I hope to see a great turn out at the meeting this
coming Friday. Reminder to our new leaders, this coming
Saturday, 26th, is University of Scouting. I hope all of our
new leaders and old are planning on attending. This event is
all day from 8AM to 4PM. Online
registration is available. Please complete Youth
Protection and Fast Start (cubscout version) before the
event. Remember to keep your receipts for reimbursement of
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Pinewood Derby Group Mtg.
Replay from the Cubmaster
Tinella, thanks for emailing everyone regarding this
Saturday's event (1/19/08). I do have tools to the job but
not a lot them, and therefore, there will be some waiting
and sharing depending on how many show up and one what time.
The other point I would like to mentioned is the time
window, 9 to 1PM, will be cutting into lunch. I will provide
refreshments, but unfortunately, I can't provide the lunch.
My wife will be busy with my son's birthday party offsite at
that time. Lunch will have to be everyone's responsibility,
sorry. Besides working on the car kits that day, I would
like, if time permits, to have those scouts who have not
added their "car" decoration to the pack's Pinewood Derby
Storage Box, to please do so this Saturday. If this deems
not possible, than I would like to invite those scouts to
come back on the 2nd to add their "car". Last, the painting
of the PWD cars will be done at home where the scouts will
have amble and relaxing time to spend on decorating their
cars. We will use this Saturday to design, cut, sand, weigh,
and add weight to the cars, if needed. IF there is enough
requests, there will be another opportunity on the 2nd. I
will bring the pack scale to the meetings for those who wish
to build the cars on their own. One more request, I do not
have a lot of weights to give out. IF you can, please bring
in your own weights. You can purchase these from any hobby
shop, scout shop, or craft shop who sell BSA official
Pinewood Derby products. I do not recommend using any other
type of weights accept possibly using small brass or steel
wood screws #2 or smaller. One more important request,
please, all scouts wear clothes you do not care about
getting damaged. Thanks again, Tinella, for spreading the
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Last Friday the pack held it's first meeting at
Searles for the new year. Fourteen scouts attended, one from
Pack 20, one from Pack 110, one from Troop 176, one from
Troop 110, and 10 from our pack. Jonathon from Pack 20, has
been a regular attendee, participating and contributing much
to our activities. Rahul from Pack 110, has also been a
regular attendee, also participating and contributing,
completed his Webelos badge at our meeting. His Arrow of
Light journey is now half way complete. Keep up the good
work!!! Arjun, from Troop 176 and friend of Rahul, is a
former cubscout from Pack 268 and received his Arrow of
Light award (The highest award in cubscouting) and bridged
over to the Boy Scouts last Spring. Since Arjun has been a
Boy Scout, he accomplished two ranks, Scout and Tenderfoot,
and is currently working the next rank, Second Class---keep
up the good work, Arjun!! Glenn, from Troop 110 and a former
cubscout and graduate from Pack 268, offered his services to
be the a Den Leader for the pack that night---thank you
Glenn!!! We welcomed all our guest last Friday. After our
opening flag ceremony, I handed out the Pine Wood Derby kit
and discussed the rules and dates of the race event. The
race will be held at Searles, on February 15th, Friday. The
race event will begin at 7PM and will be setting up at
6:30PM. I will adult help in setting up, coordinating the
awards, preparing the food, so on. For the race, we will
need score keeper, race Marshals, and inspectors. The food
will be potluck. There will be BSA official and unofficial
race. The official race will be scouts only and the
unofficial race will be Adults and Siblings. Prior to the
race and after all the cars have been inspected and
registered, we will stage the cars for judging. The
categories will be Fastest Looking, Weirdest, Slowest
looking, Most Creative, and Best Looking. The official race
will determine overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners. These
winners will be announced at the end of the race but will be
given their awards at the Blue and Gold. The Unofficial race
will also determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall and those
winners will be announced but will be awarded at the end of
the race. Food will be served during the awards. I hope PWD
race will be a BIG success. Remember the more scouts,
adults, and siblings, who participate, the more exciting
race will be. IF there is any families who do not have the
means to build these cars, please let me know. I have the
means and be willing to offer my services. IF there are a
lot of you, then we should reserve a Saturday. Please let me
know. Do not wait to the last minute to inform me, please.
Also, if you make a mistake that you can't fix or have lost
a part, the pack has lots of spare parts, wheels, axles, and
wood blocks, you can use. Please do not go out and buy a new
kit. Last, there are PWD pre cut kits being sold at hobby
shops, craft shops, and uniform shops, please do not buy
these kits. They include illegal axles and wheels. The
unofficial kits can be used in adult and sibling races only.
There is a company PWD Extreme located in MO, that is
selling kits with pre cut bodies ranging prices from $8 to
$16. These kits use the BSA official parts but take away the
purpose and creativity. I would not recommend using them. If
you really want to use them, you are welcome to, and can use
the cars in the official race.
After the PWD discussion, we broke up into two teams
of 5 with two adult male volunteers to do our game of hang
man. The male volunteers each had a bag of women's clothes.
Each male volunteer was assigned to a team. Each team was
given a series of questions that came from the cubscouting.
IF a team did not answer a question correctly, adult
volunteer had to put on an article of clothing. Once a
volunteer was completely dressed, the game was over and the
team with the fully dressed volunteer where the losers. The
winning team was awarded prizes, in this case, Team 2.
Thanks to all adult male volunteers for being good sports.
Thank you guys!! Everyone had a great
The month of January will be used to work on the PWD
cars. We are currently planning a bowling event and a tour
at the Union City recycling plant next month. (I am looking
for coordinators to plan these. Allen T. has step forward
for the tour need someone for the bowling). The bowling
event will satisfy some of the requirements for the bowling
belt loop. Also, in March, we will have our first hike for
the month. This will be a Trail Treker Hike, Flag Hill, and
will be a hike designed for our older more experienced
scouts. All scouts are welcomed to attend but please keep in
mind this is a challenging hike.
We will need to begin planning the Blue and Gold
event. As some of you know, this event requires lots of time
to prepare.
I would like to remind all the scouts in the pack to
continue working on their rank achievements. One of our new
scouts, Ali, has completed his Bobcat Trail and one belt
loop---good job Ali!!! Please complete the Artist Belt loop
and Activity Pin and bring in your work for review. You are
always welcome to work on more belts loop and activity pins
but remember to bring in your work to show me especially the
Weblelos. The requirements for the belt loops and activity
pins are located on the BSA website.
Our next pack meeting will be held on January
25th, Friday, at Searles, 6:30PM. Please visit our Pack
Website from time to time. Check our the members section and
let us know if there are any errors to
Yours In Scoutijg,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
This coming Thursday, 10th, at 7PM, there is a
scheduled Round Table Meeting at the LDS Church in
Fremont, 810 Walnut (courner of Walnut and Gallaudet). I
am planning on attending and welcome you to attend with me.
Also, I just received the new membership cards for 2008. I
will be handing them out at this Friday's meeting. As
always, spread the word about the cubscouting and the pack.
And, don't forget, registering for University of Scouting
(January 26th) is still open. If you can attend, I
strongly suggest signing up for your training as soon as
possible. See you this Friday-
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Pack Meeting Next
The month of January will be used to plan and build
the cars for the upcoming Pinewood Derby Race (February
15th). Lets start the new year off with a good turn out
at the meeting next Friday, 11th. The meeting will be
at Searles and begin at 6:30PM. We will work on
achievements, do a game, hand out the Pinewood Derby kits
and discuss procedures in building the cars. We will need to
begin planning the Derby Race as well. I hope all scouts
have completed or will complete the Artist Belt
loop/Activity pin by next meeting. So far, I have two scouts
who have completed the requirements. All Webelos scouts
please complete the Citizen badge by next Friday. All of our
new scouts please complete the Bobcat Trail by next meeting.
Our Blue and Gold event is approaching (April 4th)
and I want all of our Webelos scouts to have completed their
Webelos badge by then and our new scouts to have completed
the Bobcat Trail. As always, scouts please wear your full
uniform and bring your hand books to next weeks
We need to collect the pack dues ($60) and recharter
fees ($22.75) from all of our parents for the 2008 year.
Cash and checks are accepted. (Make Checks payable to Pack
268). If your scout has money in his account, you may use
the funds towards the dues and or recharter fees (PLs see
Mike Denney) . There is also a few scouts whom I have not
collected for the Rocket Jamboree last October---I will
collect that next meetings.
I am currently trying to plan a Saturday event in
January to visit the Tri City Recycling plant in Union City.
Will keep you posted.
Last, January 26th, Saturday, will be University
of Scouting and held at the Foot Hill High School in
Pleasanton (See
attachment). I hope all of our new and old leaders
will be attending this event. New leaders: this is an
opportunity to be fully trained in one day (make sure you
have complete Youth Protection and Fast Start prior to the
event, do this online www, Please remember, the
pack needs trained leaders to function. I know some of you
have registered and but there are a few who haven't---please
do so. You can register online (See attachments) The pack
will reimburse you for the registration fees---keep your
I hope all of you had a restful and cheerful holiday
season. Happy New Year!!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Pack 268 Upcoming Event
Our next pack meeting will be, Friday, January
11th, 6:30PM. This will be a very important meeting as I
will be handing out the Pinewood Derby Kits. I will expect
all scouts to attend this meeting. I believe there will be a
special guest attending too. The Pinewood Race will be held
on February 15th.
Last meeting, not many scouts completed the Artist
Belt Loop or pin. I will expect all scouts to complete by
next meeting. Please bring in your completed forms and any
work you did at that time. All Webelos scouts must have
completed the Citizen badge by end of January. Please bring
your handbooks and any work you did to February's meeting.
By the way, I
have attached the Artist belt loop and academic pin
Last, Mike D. needs to collect all pack dues and
membership renewal for 2008. The dues this year will be
$60 and the scouting membership renewal is $22.75, $10 for
membership and $12.75 for Boys Life. IF your scout has money
in his account, you may use this towards the dues and
membership renewal (See Mike Denney). Please make checks
payable to Pack 268. Thank you!!!
Last, January 26th, is University of Scouting or
UOS. I would like to see all of our new leaders and
registered parents to attend this worth while event. This is
a great opportunity to learn about scouting and what has to
offer your son and you. The pack will reimburse you for the
fees and your lunch if your purchase it there (keep your
receipts). Just a little incentive to keep in mind. I will
be there. For your convenience, I
have attached the UOS forms and catalogue.
Merry Christmas!!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Reminder: Christmas Party
this Wednesday, 19th
Just wanted to remind you this coming Wednesday,
19th, the pack will be guests at a Christmas party hosted by
Troop 110. The celebration will begin at 6:30PM and be held
at the Contempo Recreation building next to the Contempo
Park in Union City on Meteor Drive. All are invited. Dinner
will be potluck and each participating family is encouraged
to contribute to the dinner by bringing either a side dish
or dessert or main dish. If the first letter of your last
name is A - L, please bring an appetizer/dessert, and for M
- Z, please bring a main or side dish. There will be
entertainment, games, and a gift exchange contest. The only
rule for the contest is each participant must bring in a
wrapped gift valued between $5 to $10. There will be other
prizes awarded during the party. Cubscouts please wear your
uniform and accent them with some Christmas cheer. I hope to
see you there. If not, please have a safe and joyous holiday
Merry Christmas!!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Directions: Taker Dyer Street (N or S) to Meteor
Drive, (East), follow Meteor till you come to the club
house, will be on your right just past the Contempo
Pack 268 Upcoming Event
I hope the holiday season is finding everyone in good
spirits and health. This Saturday, 15th, the pack will be
hosting a Christmas caroling event to the elderly at an
assisted living community in Union City. Jennifer R. is
coordinating this event. We are to meet at the Searles
parking lot at 6PM. All scouts must wear their full uniform,
a smile, and some Christmas spirit. All parents please wear
the pack tee shirt. Christmas cards have been made and will
be handed out during the caroling. Unfortunately, I will not
be able to attend, I have a commitment that evening. Please
take pictures!!!
Next Wednesday, 19th, the pack will be guests at a
Christmas party hosted by Troop 110. Dinner will be a
potluck, therefore, the troop is asking each attending
family to please contribute to the Christmas feast. All
families with last names beginning with letters A - L,
please bring an appetizer or dessert, and M - Z, please
bring a main or side dish. There will be a gift exchange
contest. Each participating scout and or sibling must bring
a gift to play. The gift must be between $5 to $10 and must
be wrapped. The troop will be awarding some special prizes
during the party as well. The event will begin at 6:30PM and
be held at the Contempo Club house on Meteor Drive (Next to
Contempo Park in Union City). Set up will begin at 6PM.
Please, all scouts wear your uniform. You are encouraged to
accent your uniforms with some Christmas cheer. I hope to
see all of you there. All guests are welcomed. This is also
a great opportunity for scouts to bring a
Last, Mike Denney is coordinating an event
happening on December 28th at the HP Pavilion in San Jose,
entitled "Walking with the Dinosaurs: The Live
Experience". The event will begin at 7:30PM. All orders
must be in by 5PM Monday, 17th. Please let Mike Denney know
if you are interested in attending, his number is (510)
477-0767. I
have attached the form.
Our next pack meeting will be, Friday, January
11th, 6:30PM. This will be a very important meeting as I
will be handing out the Pinewood Derby Kits. I will expect
all scouts to attend this meeting. I believe there will be a
special guest attending too. The Pinewood Race will be held
on February 15th.
Last meeting, not many scouts completed the Artist
Belt Loop or pin. I will expect all scouts to complete by
next meeting. Please bring in your completed forms and any
work you did at that time. All Webelos scouts must have
completed the Citizen badge by end of January. Please bring
your handbooks and any work you did to February's meeting.
By the way, I
have attached the Artist belt loop and academic pin
Last, Mike D. needs to collect all pack dues and
membership renewal for 2008. The dues this year will be
$60 and the scouting membership renewal is $22.75, $10 for
membership and $12.75 for Boys Life. IF your scout has money
in his account, you may use this towards the dues and
membership renewal (See Mike Denney). Please make checks
payable to Pack 268. Thank you!!!
Last, January 26th, is University of Scouting or
UOS. I would like to see all of our new leaders and
registered parents to attend this worth while event. This is
a great opportunity to learn about scouting and what has to
offer your son and you. The pack will reimburse you for the
fees and your lunch if your purchase it there (keep your
receipts). Just a little incentive to keep in mind. I will
be there. For your convenience, I
have attached the UOS forms and catalogue.
Merry Christmas!!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Greetings Scouters,
Last Friday, Nov 30th, the pack held two meetings at
Searles, one scouts and the other for parents. Ten scouts
attended the pack meeting while ten parents attended the
parent meeting conducted by the committee chair, Tinella
C---thank you, Tinella. The pack was visited by 4 boys, 3 in
fourth grade and 1 in sixth grade. All four boys are friends
of Richardo P., a member of the pack---thank you, Richardo,
for spreading the news!!! Of the 4, 2 promised they would
come back and join our pack. The sixth grader,
unfortunately, was too old for the pack but is interested in
joining Troop 110. A uniform inspection was held and
consumed most of the meeting but managed to have a game and
work on achievements before ending the meeting. After our
closing ceremony, the scouts enjoyed refreshments. Last
Saturday, Dec 1st, there was district cubscout leader
specific training for Cubmaster, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and
Webelos. Two of our newest leaders, Mike D, and Allen T.
attended the training. Thank you!!! I attended the training
as an instructor for the Tiger leader
For December, we will have a Christmas
Caroling event coordinated by Jennifer Rasmussen held on
Saturday, 15th, more details to follow. December, 19th,
Wednesday, the pack is invited as guests to the annual
Troop 110 Christmas party. The event will begin at
6PM. Mike Denney is coordinating an event being held at the
HP Pavilion in San Jose, 7:30PM, on December 28th, entitled
"Walking With Dinosaurs, The Live Experience"
the attached flyer) He needs a head count as soon as
possible by the 17th. Ticket prices are $44 and $30,
depended on location. It would be nice if we did this as a
There will be a pack meeting this Friday, 7th, at
Searles, 6:30PM. The meeting replaces Dec 14th due to
the school having a Christmas party that night. Rechartering
for the pack was completed last week by our recharter
representative, Jo H.---Thank you Jo!!!!. One hundred
percent of the pack members renewed their membership for
2008---thank you!!! And for renewing on time, we will
receive 2008 quality award. Congratulation,
Some of our scouts participating in the 100th
Anniversary Logo Contest. We wish you guys all the luck and
thank you for the effort!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster, Pack 268
Reminder---Pack Meeting this
This Friday, 30th, is a scheduled pack
meeting. As always, I will be setting up at 6:30PM and
welcome help. After the opening flag ceremony, the boys will
begin working in their handbooks and the parents will be
sent to another room to plan Decembers events, discuss the
pack, begin planning the Pinewood Derby and Blue and Gold
event, so on. I will be with the boys but plan on dropping
in from time to time. Tinella will conduct the parent
meeting. I need all parents to attend this meeting and be
prepared to give input and help. I will need to have the
achievement roster for cubscouts updated at the meeting.
Also the insurance roster updated as well. Thanks. Last, to
all are new registered parents, there will be training for
all cubscout leaders this Saturday, 1st, from 9 to 12PM. The
meeting will be held at the LDS church on Galdudet and
Walnut in Fremont---I will be there.
Regarding the meeting this Friday, I will expect all
the boys to have their full uniform on and have their
handbooks with them ready to work but have fun working. I do
hope all scouts have completed the Artist belt loop/activity
pin by the meeting. However, the Webelos will need to show
me their work.
Be aware, I may have a uniform inspection. For those
scouts who pass will receive a patch at the Blue and Gold,
the most complete scout will receive an award. I will be
grading on, scout shirt with patches in right places, belt,
neckerchief, slide, blue jeans, hat, socks and shoes,
grooming, and spirit.
Our rechartering packet has been completed and will
be submitted to our commissioner this Friday for delivery to
council. I want to give a big applause to our recharter
representative Jo H. for volunteering her time to complete
the updates and do the online registration for the
pack---Thank you!!. The total cost for registering the pack
was $454.00, 17 youths, 6 registered adults ($60), and 4
multiple adults ($0, those members who are registered with
another unit). I will need to collect registration fees for
each boy ($22) and pack dues for 2008 $60 (increase of $10)
by the end of this year---thank you!!!. The pack pays for
the adults. Please make checks out to Pack 268. If your
scout sold popcorn, you can use the proceeds he received to
pay for the fees and or dues, however, please inform Mike D.
our pack treasurer.
Last, the 100th anniversary logo contest is
nearing it's end, this Friday all artwork must be sent to
out. You can send it electronically (fastest). Along
with the artwork, you must include an essay (included in
registration form), 100 words or less, explaining your
design of how illustrates the scouting spirit. All the rules
and addresses are posted on the pack and BSA websites. (I
have included the rules with this email.) I have two scouts
who have participated and sent out their designs---I hope
there are more. Remember, to please send me a copy of the
artwork and essay. Good luck!!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
It has been several weeks since my last letter to all
of you regarding the tremendous participation and spirit of
the pack. On November 10th, the pack assisted Troop 110 in
placing announcements on doors of our residents explaining
our quest to collect food items for the less fortunate of
our community and then collecting the food items the
following weekend of the 17th. Allen and Angela T., of pack
268, offered their home as the drop off point for sorting,
counting, and packaging of the food items collected--thank
you both for your generosity. In all, a total of 12
cubscouts participated in this great cause. We collected
over 1120 cans and celebrated our accomplishment over lunch
at Mountain Mikes. In addition to the celebration, to
sweeten the event, we conducted a contest, exclusive to
scouts and siblings, of guessing how many cans where
collected. There where 2 scouts and one sibling whose guess
came the closest, 1st place, Richardo P, 2nd place, Patricia
H, and 3rd place, Alvin F.. Everyone had a great time. I
want to thank all for taking time our their busy days to
help make a difference. Your kindness never goes
On November, 16th, the pack held a regular meeting.
The scouts worked on the Artist belt loop/Activity pin and
the National Logo Contest. The pack was visited by two
scouts from two different packs, 110 and 20. Rahul, from
pack 110, and Jonathon, from pack 20. Both where impressed
by our spirit and wanted to join in. Rahul is a Webelos II
scout working on his Arrow of Light and Jonathon is working
on his Bear. They have requested, with enthusiasm, if they
can join our pack meetings from to time---our doors are
always open.
Sunday, the 17th, was a scheduled parent meeting but
was cancelled due to conflicts and the upcoming Thanksgiving
holiday. The meeting was rescheduled the following Sunday,
25th. On Thanksgiving Day, scouts from Troop 110, Packs 263,
110, 414, and 268, and the girl scouts, along with parents
and leaders handed out Thanksgiving dinners to the needy and
lonely. I do not have an estimate of how many dinners where
delivered by the scouts but I would imagine it was well over
100. Dinners were delivered from San Leandro to Fremont.
Everyone who came came with such enthusiasm and eagerness,
the spirit of giving was clearly profound---thank you all.
Yours truly, along with 3 scouts and 1 other leader, were
accompanied by reporters from the Argus, interviewing
members of Troop 110 on this annual selfless unconditional
community service the troop has participated in many years.
Mike Magno has been the liaison between the troop and LOV
Newark, the nonprofit organization that conducts this
wonderful service for the poor and lonely community, since
the troop has participated. Thank you,
Going back in time to November, 3rd, Saturday, the
pack hosted a decorating party at the cubmaster's house to
decorate our Pinewood Derby track storage box. Six scouts
participated and did an awesome job. The decoration included
a race track, race cars, finish and starting line, along
with the pack unit number. Each scout painted a car on the
track and signed his artwork. However, it is not finished,
we need the rest of our scouts to include their car on the
track. The next opportunity will be
Rechartering has begun. Our recharter representative,
Jo Hendee., is doing are rechartering for the pack. The
basic premise of rechartering is to renew membership of the
next year. This involves checking addresses, names, phone
numbers, and collecting dues. This is a cumbersome job and
requires cooperation from all our members to make it
successful. In addition to rechartering, registered parents
and leaders are required to update their training. The
rechartering process will end on the 30th. The pack will be
rewarded with quality unit patch but this one will be a
commemorative honoring 100 years of scouting. Let's make
Pack 268 and quality unit by completing our registration by
the 30th and completing our training by the end of this
Our next pack meeting will
be the 30th, Friday, 6:30PM. There will be parent meeting
also that night. Please note, the pack meeting scheduled for
the 14th is moved to the 7th due to school party that
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
Meeting this Friday, 30th,
Searles Elementary School, 6:30PM and
Reminding all that this coming Friday, 30th, at
6:30PM, we will have regular pack meeting AND have a parent
meeting. The pack meeting will be focusing on
achievements---scouts must bring in their handbooks. Also, I
may have a uniform inspection, therefore, it is imperative
all scouts must wear their full uniform. Each scout will be
graded on completeness of their uniform, patches, shirt,
pants, spirit, and grooming. Prizes will be given for the
best scout[s]. Patches will be given those scouts
who pass the test.
I hope all scouts from last meeting have completed or
will have completed their Artist belt loop/activity pin by
the this meeting. Also, for those scouts who are going to
compete in the National Logo Contest, the due date is
nearing, 30th. Please make sure you have read all the rules
of the contest and have met them. The
rules are posted on the pack website and on the
council website,
Please make sure you have taken a picture of your design and
your essay before you send it out. We will post it on the
pack website.
For the parent meeting, Sunday's meeting was
cancelled again due to unexpected circumstances, and
rescheduled for the this Friday, 30th, 7PM, at Searles
Elementary School. I will reserve a classroom for the
meeting. Tinella will conduct the meeting and will need all
parents and leaders present to make this a successful
meeting. The meeting will focus on planning December's
events and meetings, and begin planning Pinewood Derby and
Blue and Gold events. I will be "poping" my head in and out
from time to time to see if there is any questions for me or
just general input.
This coming Saturday, 1st, will be cubscout specific
training for leadership roles in the cubscouting realm at
the LDS church in Fremont (corner of Guldadet and Walnut). I
would recommend all of our new leaders attend this. In order
for our pack to be awarded the Centennial Quality Award, we
need all of our new leaders trained!!! I know some of you do
not have your membership cards yet but you can still take
the courses. You will receive a certificate once you
complete the course. You will need to take Youth Protection
and Fast Start prior to Saturday's training. You can do this
online - Online Leader Training -
See you at the meeting
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen, Cubmaster
This Friday, 16th, there will be a regular pack
meeting at Searles, 6:30PM. We will be working on
achievements. I need all scouts to please wear their full
uniform and bring their hand books. As mentioned, there may
be a uniform inspection at the meeting. All scouts who
achieve a score higher than 50 points will receive a patch
at the Blue and Gold. The best score will receive a cool
Also, this Saturday, 17th, is the final phase of
Scouting For Food. We will meet at Searles at 9AM to
form groups, hand out assignments, exchange phone numbers,
etc. We will begin picking up the non perishable food items
from residents at around 9:30AM. All scouts must be in full
uniform including the leaders. All parents please wear the
pack tee shirt.
*** As an incentive, we will
have a contest at the end of the Scouting for Food event.
All scouts (troop and pack) and siblings are invited to
participate and make a guess as to how many food items we
collected. The three whose guess comes closest to the actual
amount will receive a prize. The prizes will be given out at
the lunch. All those scouts who participated in collecting,
sorting, and counting the food items, and or handing out the
door hangers the previous Saturday, will receive a patch and
service hours for their effort (but most important lets not
forget to mention the reward of doing a good
This Sunday, 18th, at Mike Denney's house, we will
be having our first parent meeting to plan the activities in
December. The meeting will begin at 2PM and end around
4. Tinella, our committee chairperson, will conduct the
meeting and will need all available parents and leaders to
On Thanksgiving Day, 22nd, we will help LOV Newark
hand out turkey dinners to the needy and lonely for the
holiday season. Those who are participating must meet at
the the Newark Pavilion on Thornton Ave at 10:45AM sharp.
All scouts must wear their full uniform and be accompanied
by an adult guardian or parent (21 or older). The details of
the event have been posted on the pack
Due to a very short December month and loosing a
Friday, Dec 14, to a school party, we will have a pack
meeting on November 30th and December 7th, Friday, at
Searles, 6:30PM. This will again be a regular meeting
working on rank stuff and caroling. Always try to make the
meetings fun though.
Important---Jennifer, our popcorn coordinator,
will be handing out the popcorn and collecting money at the
meeting this Friday.
FYI: For those who need a pack tee shirt, I have new
shirts and will have them available at this Friday's meeting
for purchase. The cost has increased by $1 to $9 a shirt.
Please make checks out to "Pack 268". Cash also
Last, Troop 110 has invited Pack 268 to attend a
Christmas Party on December 19, Wednesday, at the
Contempo Commons Club House on Meteor Drive in Union City.
More Details to follow.
As always, please spread the word about scouting and
the pack. We always looking for new members join our growing
pack family.
See you all the meeting this
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
This coming Friday, 16th, at Searles, 6:30PM,
there will be a regular pack meeting. I want all scouts
to be prepared for a possible uniform inspection. Also,
since we will be working on achievements, all scouts must
bring in their handbooks.
As you know last Saturday began the annual
Scouting For Food event. Five cubscouts from our pack
along with the boyscouts from Troop 110, participated in
placing announcements on each homeowners door. Announcing to
residents the scouts are collecting non perishable food
items for the needy in our community this holiday season
next Saturday, 17th. We placed 2000 door hangers in two
hours---good job guys!!! Next weekend we will be
collecting the food items, counting and sorting them (place
to be announced), and then delivering them to a central
point for later distribution. After we have completed
our jobs and delivered the can goods, we will have lunch at
Mountain Mikes and hand out prizes for the three
scouts/siblings whose guess comes closest to the actual food
collected. For this event to be successful, we will need as
many helpers as possible both adult and scouts (siblings
too). Reminder, all scouts must be in full uniform. All
adult leaders/ parents should be in uniform or wearing the
pack tee shirt. We will meet at Searles at 9 AM and begin
collecting at 9:30 AM next Saturday, 17th---please be on
time. We again will be combining efforts with Troop 110. All
scouts and parents participating will receive a really cool
patch. However, and most importantly, lets not forget the
personal rewards that come with helping others with less
this holiday season.
On Sunday, 18th, the pack will have a parent
meeting at Mike Denney's house. The meeting will begin
at 2 PM and end around 4 PM. We will be planning Decembers
events and pack meetings. We will also begin planning the
Pinewood Derby and Blue and Gold event. We will need every
parent present. The parents meeting will be scheduled at the
end of every month with purpose of planning the following
months events and pack meetings.
The 100th Years of Scouting Celebration Logo
contest is nearing the end. I have one cubscout who
actively participating---are there any more? I hope more of
our scouts will consider this great opportunity to show of
your talents. Remember your design must illustrate what the
scouting spirit really means to you. We can discuss more at
the meeting.
FYI: I just found out how old our pack is and
approximately when is was established. The pack is 41 years
old and was established on October in 1966, and the Searles
Elementary School Parents hold our charter. Happy (Belated)
Birthday to Pack 268!!!! I do hope the pack will be around
to celebrate its 50th.
Heads up, I have picked up our re-charter packet at
last Thursday's round table. Our chartered representative,
Jo Hendee, will be calling all our members to confirm
membership and collecting dues. I would like every one to
please confirm your, name, addresses, phone numbers, and if
you are continuing your membership for 2008. If the pack
retains 100% of our members for 2008 will be awarded a
centennial quality award. This is a big deal. Also, as a
part of the award, all registered leaders need to be up to
date on their training. Which brings me to December 1st,
Saturday, 9 to 12 PM, there will be leader specific training
at the Fremont LDS church. Youth Protection and Fast Start
can be done online and recommended you do so prior to Dec.
1st class training. I will be their as an instructor for the
Tiger Cub leaders. At least that is what I was told--we will
see. Oh, some good news, since we had a great year of
recruiting, we may be awarded with Pine Wood Derby kits for
each scout in the pack---WOW, that would be nice!!!
Last, the Thanksgiving dinner deliveries at LOV in
Newark will begin on Thanksgiving mourning at 10:45 AM.
All cubscouts must be in full uniform and be accompanied by
a parent or guardian. A few families have committed. I have
sent the details to all last weekend and had it posted on
the pack website. I hope all of you can attend. This a great
way to complete the Thanksgiving
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster Minutes and
For the past several weeks the pack has participated
in many activities, Halloween party, Make A Difference Day,
pack meeting, and painting of our Pine Wood Derby track
storage box. Our Halloween party, held on 26th, Friday, at
Searles, was a scary success. Ten scouts, one guest, three
siblings, nine parents attended the festive party---all had
a great time. We had a costume/talent and mummy contest.
Where the kids danced and did a costume fashion show.
Ribbons for the best, scariest, weirdest, and creative
costumes where awarded to our contestants at the end of the
costume/talent contest. Jennifer and Danny brought small
pumpkins in for the kids to decorate. Pizza and juice was
delivered by Vilma and served afterwards along with some
baked goods and finger foods prepared by some of our other
parents, Wajeeha, Mike, and Allen and Angela----thank you
all for your help in making this party a great success!!!!
At the end of the party, we raffled off prizes to the
The next day, 27th, the pack participated with Troop
100 in making a difference in the community by beautifying
the median on Appain Way in the Seven Hills community. Seven
scouts, eight parents, along with yours truly, spent their
mourning planting bushes and small flowering plants. We
removed all rocks from the soil and leveled the ground
around the newly planted bushes and flowering ground cover.
As a reward, all participants where given a Make A
Difference tee shirt and donuts.
The following Friday, 11/02, the pack had a regular
meeting at Searles focusing on rank achievements. Our new
cub scouts worked on their Bobcat Trail badge and our
Webelos focused on the Webelos badge. Two of our parents,
Allen and Murad, took the challenge of leading our cub
scouts. They both did a great job. For the closing ceremony,
our new cub scouts recited from memory the cub scout
promise----great job guys!!! At the end of the ceremony, we
sang happy birthday to Austin and enjoyed some delicious
home back cookies prepared by his mom, Joyce. Thank you
Austin and mom!!!
The following day, 11/03, Saturday, seven scouts and
four parents, attended the decoration of our PWDT storage
box at the cubmaster's house. I did not know the pack had
such awesome talent. We first decided on the design and than
we created it by first painting a race track all around the
box, than each scout placed their "car" on the track and
"signed" their work. Monica, Vilma, and yours truly, helped
with painting the pack label and doing general enhancements
on the box. Joyce kept the kids entertained while the
parents where painting. Refreshments where served
afterwards. Thank you all for taking time out of your day to
help with this great cause. We will need to, at some point,
to corral the other scouts who didn't get a chance to
contribute to do so at a predetermined date and
time---please watch for the news on this. By the way, this
satisfies some requirements for the Artist belt loop and
activity badge.
Our next pack meeting will be on the 16th,
Searles, 6:30 PM. We will continue working on rank
achievements. All scouts MUST bring in their handbooks and
wear FULL uniforms. I am planning on a surprised uniform
inspection at one of the meetings, please keep this in
Reminder, this coming Saturday, 10th, will be
Scouting for Food, an annual community service project
the BSA does for the Bay Area poor during the holidays. We
will meet at Searles, 8:30 AM, and leave at 9 AM. Pack 268
and Troop 110 will be combining forces to hand out
announcements to all the home owners in our assignment.
The following Saturday, 17th, we will be picking up the
non perishable food (most important day), taking them to
a central point for counting and sorting and then ship them
off to the Fremont LDS church on Decoto. Afterwards, we will
have a contest and pizza at Mountain Mikes in Hayward. The
three scouts whose guess comes closest to the actual number
of cans collected will receive a prize. Every scout and
parent will receive a patch for their participation. I would
like to see a great turn out from the pack especially on the
Finally, we will have a parent meeting on the
18th, Sunday, 2 to 4 PM. The meeting will be held at
Mike Denney's house and be conducted by our committee chair,
Tinella C. The meeting will focus on planning the pack
meetings and events for the rest of the year. Please attend
this meeting as it affects everyone in the pack and always
in need of fresh ideas. For our activities to be successful
and rewarding requires participation from everyone. Thank
you in advance for your help!!!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster, Pack 268
Addendum to the Cubmaster
Minutes and a Reminder
I neglected to include the camping trip with Troop
110 at Cameron's in Half Moon Bay in the minutes. Pack 268
was invited by Troop 110 as their guest to spend one night
camping at Cameron's on the 27th and 28th. Eight scouts from
the pack attended. All had a chance to pitch a tent, eat
camp food, tell scary ghost stories, watched scary videos,
make S'Mores, and experienced an exclusive flag retirement
ceremony reserved by the scouts and the military to conduct.
Troop 110 did an awesome job of planning the camping
trip---thank you!!!. There where other cub scouts from two
packs that attended along side our pack. The next day, Troop
110 made breakfast for the packs. All, I was told, had a
great time!!! Here's looking forward to the next camp out.
Pictures from all our past events where taken by our members
and will be posted on the pack website soon. Once again,
these events could not have happened without the dedication
from all of our members. Thank so
Reminder, this Saturday is Scouting for Food.
Please try to attend. We will be meeting at Searles at 8:30
AM and begin our project at 9 AM. We will be joining forces
with Troop 110 in handing out door hangers. All scouts must
wear their full uniform for this event. See you
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Last Friday, 19th, Pack 268 held a meeting at
Searles. Twelve boys attended the meeting. The meeting began
at 7PM with a flag ceremony conducted by three scouts, two
for the color guard, and one to MC. A visiting Webelos II
scout, Rahul, from Pack 110, joined us to participate in the
ceremony, he was one of our color guards. This was his first
flag ceremony and needed to do it for his Webelos badge; he
did very well. He was joined by one other scout from Pack
268, Mike, who also did quite well. The MC, Richardo, also
did a great job conducting the ceremony. After the ceremony
and announcements, a game of tic tac toe cubscout style, was
played. The boys and some parents participated, all had a
great time. The game involved two teams, the "X's" and
"O's", and parents and leaders. The two teams where given
scouting related questions from the parents and leaders. If
the question was answered correctly, depending on who
answered, that team placed either an X or O in the square of
their choice. The object is to get three X's or O's in row.
However, both the teams in the game tied, they all did a
great job answering the questions. After the game, the boys
built their boats for the Rain Gutter Regatta the following
day. All the boys did a great job putting together the boats
and decorating them. We than completed our meeting singing
Happy Birthday to one of our scouts, Jordon, who brought in
cup cakes and drinks for everyone to enjoy. Thank you,
The Rain Gutter
Regatta event was held on
Saturday, 20th, at
Arroyo Park in Union City. The weather was sunny and windy
but NO rain. The event began at 10:30AM with twelve scouts
participating. All the scouts who came competed with out
incident. Each and every one of them displayed true scouting
spirit and I was so proud of them. I know for some it was
hard to walk away from defeat with a smile but they did it
any way, AND I thank you guys. I hope this positive attitude
becomes contagious and never dies. When the race ended, our
three winners held up their boats for a photo opportunity.
Carlos was our 1st place winner, followed by Mike, 2nd
place, and Brandon, third place. Congratulation guys, you
did well!!!! Afterwards, the boys and parents enjoyed
hamburgers and hotdogs provided by the pack and prepared by
the parents. After lunch, the boys enjoyed a game of a
killer water balloon fight---yes I know the weather was not
too favorable but they did not care this just added to game.
I want to thank all our parents who came out and
participated, without you, events like this just cannot
happen---thank you so very much.
Reminder, this coming
Friday, 26th, the pack will conduct
a Halloween party, 6:30PM, at Searles. All scouts
(and siblings, and yes, adults) are encouraged to wear their
costumes, no uniforms please. This will be an informal
event. As part of the festivities, we will have a costume
contest and games with prizes given out. Pizza and drinks
will be served as well. Hope to see a big turn
Also, this coming Saturday,
27th, the pack will be involved in
"Make a Difference Day"
making a difference to the community by helping with the
median restoration along Appian Way at the Seven Hills
community in Union City We will meet at Mission Blvd and
Appian Way 9AM sharp. Please wear long pants, sturdy shoes,
pack tee shirt, gloves, and hat. You may bring your own
tools but please put your name on them. This is a great
opportunity for those who need community service hours
On November 3rd, 1:30PM, we will be painting the Pine
Wood Derby box at my house. I am calling all scouts to help.
I need your imagination and artistic talents to decorate the
ugly white box. Please mark your
Our next pack meeting will
be Friday, 2nd, 6:30PM, at Seareles. We will
being working on achievements. All scouts will need to bring
in their books and any work they have done to show
me---especially the Webelos scouts. All new scouts need to
begin working on their Bobcat badge. I will at some time be
conducting a uniform inspection---keep this in mine.
Last, please keep selling
popcorn!!!! Remember, this is a fundraiser for
the pack and portion of the proceeds goes to the pack and
the boys to use for scouting expenditures such as dues,
uniforms, etc. The due date for turning in the order forms
is nearing--November 5th. KEEP SELLING!!! You can down load
the order form from the pack web site posted on the member's
section (Click
Here). Jennifer and Vilma are our popcorn
See you at the party.
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster, Pack 268
The pack is considering a
Halloween Party on the
26th, Friday, at Searles Elementary School. This will be fun
evening for everyone and will discuss more at the pack
On the 27th, this is Make A
Difference Day, a community service event. The
pack will be helping with the 7 Hills project effort, by
re-landscaping a portion of the median running along Apian
Way. I expect a great turn out for this. The event begins at
9AM and will end at 12Noon or sooner. The meeting place will
be at the project site.
Last, as some of you know, the pack had it's first
Popcorn Show and Sell
this last weekend at the Union City Wal Mart store. The
fundraiser effort appears to have been a sweeping success
and the pack may do it again--thanks to our popcorn
coordinator's, Jennifer and Vilma, and those scouts and
parents who volunteered their time to help sell. All the
scouts who participated will receive a portion of the
profits that will go in their accounts to be used for any
scouting expenses. For those scouts who could not attend,
you still have time by selling on your own. The
order forms are available for download at the pack
website. In addition to the popcorn sales, people
donated money and inquired about cubscouts and the pack.
This is another great tool used that makes the pack visible
and helps it grow. Thanks again to everyone who participated
this weekend!!!!
See you at the meeting-
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster, Pack 268
I want to thank all the parents who came out last
Sunday to be with their scouts. The weather was spectacular
with an unexpected dust devil that ravaged through the camp
and uprooted some of the tents---the kids really enjoyed it
though---which added to the great experience that day.
Besides the clean up kudos I gave below, I want to thank
Danny for doing last minute surgery on some of the pack
rockets. The directions on the kits unfortunately where not
clear or where missing. It would have been better if we had
a rocket already constructed by an experience rocketier. In
all, I think the scouts and parents learned so much and had
fun doing it. I know I did. Here's looking forward to next
I would like to mention it now, some of our members
have made a suggestion to have a Halloween party at a
meeting this month. The last and only available Friday
before the event would be the 26th. I would like to know who
would be interested and who would like to organize it. Since
this is a Halloween party, the scouts are encouraged to wear
their costumes--no uniforms. We could have a costume
contest, games, and refreshments. Parents are also
encouraged to wear a costume. Just an idea I wanted to bring
to your attention and think about. There is also a scout
event on the 20th happening at Ardenwood Historic Park
celebrating Halloween. Please see the pack the
Also, another reminder, October is National Volunteer
Month, and on the 27th of this month, we will be involved in
making a difference in our community by beautifying the
median on Appian Way at the 7 Hills community in Union City.
The event begins at 9AM and will end at 12 noon or sooner
depending on how many show up and the amount of work
involved. We will be working with Troop 110 and other
volunteers who live in the community. I hope Pack 268 will
demonstrate the spirit in great numbers and
Thank you all for your support in the
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster, Pack 268
Last Friday we held a pack meeting at Searles with
twelve scouts and their families attending the meeting. The
meeting opened with a rank advancement ceremony for Hudson,
receiving his Bear rank and graduating to
Webelos---congratulations Hudson!!! Tyler, Hudson's sister,
honored her brother by assisting me in the ceremony, thank
you Tyler!!! After the ceremony, the scouts gathered around
to learn about rocketry. Afterwards, each scout was given a
rocket kit to put together with the help of a parent. The
scouts and their parents worked very hard and where able to
finish in time. As a reward for their hard work, all scouts
and their family members enjoyed a hotdog dinner prepared by
our pack leaders.
The pack gained 3 new members on Friday. Two first
graders, Ali and Devadath, and one 2nd grader, Brandon.
Please welcome these three new scouts to our
Last weekend, the SFBSA held it's 8th annual Rocket
Jamboree on a Army base located in Dublin. The boyscouts
version was held on Saturday and the cubscouts was on
Sunday. Of course our pack participated on Sunday.
Approximately 50 cubscouts, 8 of them from our pack,
attended that day showing off their rockets. There were
custom as well as commercial versions each one capable of
flying at many hundreds of feet in the air, each colorful,
single or multistage, with parachutes or strimmers, some
with cameras, some performing aerial acrobats, and some
where as high as 8 feet tall and few inches in diameter.
Watching each rocket perform was an experience in it's self
especially the big ones. All of our scouts had a great time
launching their rockets. However, one of our scout's rockets
went too high, unfortunately caught a wind current, and
landed somewhere on the base and could not find it---he was
very upset. I was told if it landed on the ground, it will
be found and returned. I do have two more rocket kits if any
one is interested. I want to thank those who came out on
Sunday for participating---you can't buy the memories. The 8
scouts will receive a Rocket Jamboree commemorative patch.
There are a few families left that I have paid me for the
rockets and motors ($7). Few scouts that made rockets but
did not attend the Jamboree will just be charged for the
rocket---$5. I will collect at the next meeting. Last item,
some of our younger scouts stayed afterwards to help clean
up. One scout, Ali, stayed longer and was awarded a patch
for his efforts---kudos to Ali. Also, Ali's dad, Murad,
volunteered as a launch coordinator and also remained to
help clean up---thanks to Murad.
Our next pack meeting will be held on the 19th of
October, Friday, at Searles Elementary School, and begin at
6:30PM. We will be focusing on building boats for our annual
Rain Gutter Regatta race which will be held on October 20th,
Saturday, at Arroyo Park in Union City. The race will begin
at 10AM with lunch served at 12PM and end at 2PM. I will
begin setting up at 9AM and WILL need help. One parent has
offered to help with the barbeque, food, and general
decorating---will need more help though. I will also need
help with the race itself ie score keeper, race marshals,
boat inspectors, game cordinator (Balloon Toss), and clean
up. The pack will provide the main course. We are asking
each family to bring a side dish or beverage. So families
using the first letter of their last name A - L, will bring
a side dish, and M - Z, will bring beverages---enough for 10
people. The pack will provide the main course, paper plates,
cups, napkins, and a desert.
Last week, one our scouts, Carlos, had a birthday.
Unfortunately, we forgot to wish him a very happy birthday.
We will make it up to him at the next pack meeting. If there
are any scouts in the pack who have birthdays coming or
past, please let me know so that we can wish you a happy
birthday. Each birthday scout will receive a
to the Rocket Jamboree and took pictures during the event,
could you please send copies of those pictures via email so
I can have them posted on the pack website. I am currently
putting together pictures of our past events in a story
format and will have them posted soon. Please do not include
any full names with the pictures. Unfortunately, I do not
have pictures from the rocket to show. On my first launch,
the power was mistakenly turned off, and on the second
attempt, the launch marshal did not engage the camera
Last, popcorn fundraiser is in its third week. I
believe this coming weekend, the pack will be selling
popcorn. Jennifer and Vilma are the popcorn coordinators for
the pack and have been soliciting help from the pack
families. If you have not done so, please give them a call
to help out. They will need all the help they can get.
Remember, 40 percent of what we sell will go back the to the
pack a portion of it will go to your scouts account that can
be used for dues, buying uniforms, or paying for summer came
next summer. The pack needs money to run and 40% of every
dollar you sell helps the pack go and allows us to do more
exciting events and activities at the meetings. You are also
encouraged to sell on your own. KEEP
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster, Pack 268
A reminder, this coming Friday, October 5th, 6:30PM,
at Searles Elementary School, there will be a pack meeting.
We will have a short ceremony for one of our scouts, Hudson,
receiving his Bear rank patch and than graduating to
Webelos. After the ceremony, each scout will receive a
rocket kit. We will briefly discuss the basic physics of
rocketry and the parts of a model rocket. We then will build
and decorate the rockets. These are real flying rockets and
will have a chance to see them fly at the Rocket Jamboree
this coming Sunday, October 7th, in Dublin. I will hand out
two motors to each scout who attends the Jamboree. For
scouts who will be unable to attend the event, please let me
know at the meeting. I will hand out the motors at the next
meeting. Afterwards, we will have a short game and than
refreshments and close. Please keep in mind, there is a
required registration and fee ($5) for the event. I will
bring registration forms with me to the meeting. You can
also down load the form from
I hope to see all at the meeting this
As you know, we had a scheduled Trial
Trekker hike last Saturday, Rodeo Lagoon. Five scouts, 2
leaders, and 3 parents, attended the hike and had a great
time. The weather was absolutely spectacular. Sunny skies,
mild temperatures and wind was the forecast. We saw deer,
herons, egrets, pelicans, jelly fish, sea shells, bones, old
WI and WII army bunkers and batteries, a Nike missile site,
light house, Golden Gate Bridge, a lagoon, and lots of
hikers. It was truly a perfect hike. The hike was a mild 1.5
mile loop around a natural lagoon near Rodeo beach. We took
lots of pictures and will post them
One last announcement, the pack gained 3 new members,
Ali, 1st grade, Devadath, 1st grade, and Brandon, 2nd grade.
Please welcome them to our pack!!!!!
Reminder, all boys from the 1st to 5th grade who are
interested in cubscouts are welcome to attend our
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster, Pack 268
Cubmaster Minutes and
Upcoming Events
Last Friday's meeting focused on recruiting. Four
families, one 3rd grade visitor, and 7 of our scouts along
with their parents attended the meeting. Of the visitors,
one young man, Stanley, 1st grader, signed up along with his
dad, Allen---welcome to our pack!!!! The other families
needed more time to decide. Our third grade visitor was
invited by one of our Bear scouts, Mikey. The visiting third
grader was interested in joining but needs to have his
parents attend--we hope he returns with mom and or dad at
the next meeting. Thank you, Mikey for bringing in a
friend!!!! I encourage all our scouts to invite a friend and
his parents to the meetings any time. Spreading the word
about scouting is the best tool to use to gain interest in
the pack and scouting. I want to thank our parents and
scouts for attending the meeting and of course to thank all
the visiting families who attended and for their patience. I
had a late start and apologize for it. If you have any
question please feel free to ask me or the other leaders
either by email or phone.
Our next pack meeting will be held on October 5th,
Friday, 6:30PM at Searles Elementary School. We will
conduct a brief ceremony for one our scouts, Hudson, who
could not attend the pack graduation last June. He has been
waiting very patiently to receive his new book, neckerchief,
slide, and his Bear rank patch, along with some event
patches he earned. After the ceremony, we will put together
rockets to be lunched at the Rocket Jamboree in Dublin on
Sunday, October 7th, 10AM to 2PM, registration begins at
9AM. There is an entrance fee and registration form to
be completed and brought to the day of the event. You can
bring your own lunch or buy it there. The form is available
on line at the MP counsel website. Here is the link -
- and I will have hardcopies available at the meeting. See
photos of last year's Rocket Jamboree,
Last, next Saturday, September 29th, will be a
scheduled trail trekker hike, Rodeo
Lagoon, we will meet at Searles parking lot 8AM
and leave at 8:30AM. Previously, I had scheduled the
gathering to begin at 8:30AM and leave at 9AM but needed to
change the time due commitments in the afternoon. All
hikers, please wear the pack tee shirt (members only), long
paints and long sleeve shirt (the pack tee shirt must be
visible though), bring sack lunch or snacks, sun screen,
water, jacket, camera, wear sturdy shoes suitable for
hiking---no open toed shoes i.e. sandals, slippers so on.
This is a mild 1.5 mile hike circling a natural lagoon
located in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin
Headlands, SF. There will be a variety of wild life both
marine and land with lots of multicolored plant life and
terrain. We will be near the ocean and an old army barracks,
bunkers, and batteries that we can visit later. This should
be a very exciting hike for all ages. I have a attached a
map of the area. Here is a link to the council Trail Trekker
web page:
See you all next Saturday!
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Cubmaster, Pack 268