Pack 268 Rain Gutter
Greetings All,
The pack held it's annual Rain Gutter Regatta on
Saturday, October 21st, at Arroyo Park in Union City. The
event was successful. Seven scouts came and participated in
the event. Of those 7 scouts, 3 scouts placed, Austin C.,
1st, Mike D., 2nd, and Sam H., 3rd. Allen C., Glenn G., and
Kevin G. of Troop 110 helped with the event on Saturday,
thank you guys. After the race, the pack held a picnic and
balloon toss. Unfortunately, the balloon toss turned into a
balloon fight all participants were soaked, no surprise
I want to extend my thanks to Jay and Jo Hendee and
their son, Andrew, for taking time out of their busy Friday
night to help me and the pack with building the boats. Prior
to the Regatta on Saturday, the pack held a meeting on
Friday at Searles, to construct and decorate the boats. To
my surprise, Jo and Jay Hendee brought their boat building
equipment and expertise to help all the scouts successfully
finished their boats. Luckily for the pack, the pack had an
ample supply of boats that where pre-sealed by Jay along
time ago. Again, thanks so much Andrew, Jay and
Below are pictures taken at the regatta event from
one of our parent, Raj Gupta. Enjoy.
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen
Member of Troop 110 Leadership
Acting Cubmaster
----- Original Message -----
From: Raj Gupta
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: Photos taken at the Rain Gutter Regatta
Hi folks,
Here are a few photos taken at this event. I
apologize if the files are too big. Thanks to all the
parents, scouts and specially John for making this a
success!! I have a few more photos. Let me know if anyone's
interested. --Raj

From: John Gillen []
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 6:42 PM
Subject: Our Rain Gutter Regatta was a
Greeting Packers,
I just want to recap our boat race and picnic the
pack held last weekend. A total of 7 cubscouts, 4 sibligs
participated in the regatta. Unfortunately, the race was
delayed due to the construction of the track---we had to
fill up our track with 20 gallons of water using the public
drinking fountain. In addition to our misery, one scout,
Mike Denney, had to leave early due to a soccer game. BUT,
we managed to convince one of our siblings (younger) to fill
in for the scout who left and managed to place the scout in
2nd place. The plot continues, the sibling who played for
the scout now has expressed interest in joining the
pack---we will see this Friday. By the way, this sibling
whose name is Micheal, is a friend of Austin C. whom by the
way placed 1st in the race. Our 3rd place winner was Sam H.
Congratulations to the winners, but most importantly, to all
the scouts who didn't place and participated with great
sportsmanship--thank you so much!!! Remember, for those
staying with the pack, there is next year. I want to also
thank our two boyscouts, Glenn G. and Allan C. for helping
with the logistics of the race. And last, I want to thank
all the parents who came and helped with the construction of
the track, the preparing of the picnic, and just general
help with the race---thank you thank
Yours In Scouting,
John Gillen